Monday, January 28, 2013

With My Tail Between My Legs...

It's Monday.  And you know what that means.  Time for the infamous Garfield "Monday Cartoon."

I love Garfield...he's my favorite, and always puts sunshine in my Mondays.    :)

So this weekend I was sicker than a dog.  I laid around all weekend.  I did go to my parents' house so my dad could replace my car battery and rotate my tires, but I did nothing but lay on the couch and watch movies with my mom and the dog.  Basically my weekend consisted of no working out, and a lot of laying around.  I felt like I had been hit by a truck.  I'm feeling a little better today, but still have a nasty chest cough.  No fun.


Remember my post last week...the one where I said I don't think I'm eating enough?  Um, yeah.  I totally have my tail between my legs right now, because last week was spent tracking some (notice I say "some") of the things I ate....and I noticed that I am way above 1200 calories/day.  Sometimes above 2000 (*cough* close to 3000 *cough*).  Gross!  And here I thought I was above the advice of tracking every morsel.  I thought I could excel at this "balanced lifestyle" thing.  Nope.  I don't have my poop in a group yet.

I've said before that I hate...absolutely HATE....tracking my calories.  It's a pain in the ass, and I feel like it makes me obsessed with food.  But you know what?  I think it's time for me to stop being a spoiled brat.  It's time to suck it up and do it.  Or I'm going to go nowhere fast.  I'm signing up for a My Fitness Pal (because that's where all the cool kids are) account today.  If anyone uses it, let me know your user name so we can be friends!  I'd love to be able to see what other dieters are eating!

And back to the grind I go...

Make it a great one!


  1. Yeah.. can't track - not a tracker here. Ugh.. I am back at it too.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one. We'll see how this goes!

  2. Hope you're feeling better today. I started off tracking my foods, but got bored with it after a couple of months and stopped doing it. I'm with you, I just have a mental block and really don't want to do it!

  3. Tracking is the only way that I can keep myself accountable. I am goofygoose on MFP. I am not always perfect, but I do track consistently. I think it helps.

    1. Awesome! I've sent you a friend request. Looking forward to see how this works out for me!
