Friday, November 30, 2012

Eating Clean and Paleo

Wow.  Some people are just rude.  That's all I have to say about that.  This isn't someone who has commented here before of course.  I'm not even sure if she's ever visited my site.  But I made a comment on one of her posts to help lift her spirits, and was basically shot down for it.  Needless to say I've deleted her off my list of blogs I visit every day.    :)     No need to surround myself with negative energy.


Now on to bigger and better things.  I mentioned a couple days ago that I plan on making some huge changes to my diet.  Yes, I've been tracking, and eating less than I was before.  But it hasn't been enough.  Because I'm still where I started in August (and have actually gained a couple pounds).  Looking back on my meals, the weeks I saw a loss on the scale were the weeks that I had eaten a little cleaner than normal.

I have Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet book.  I never really got in to that, because I just found the food really tasteless and boring (who wants to eat chicken breasts and broccoli at every meal?  Seriously, that's all I thought I could eat).  However, since then, I've found more blogs with tons of clean eating recipes that look absolutely delicious.  I have also kind of looked in to the "Paleo" lifestyle.  Now, I love my carbs.  But we all know that too much of something can be bad for you.  I think Paleo would be a good thing for me.  However, I'm not going to be as strict with it.

It's time for Operation: Eat Clean.  I'm basically going to combine eating clean with Paleo (which is pretty much the same thing, but I'm making a few tweaks).  Here are the rules of the plan.

Eat Clean

  • Eat 5 meals per day.  I'm going to shoot for 1300 calories, which means each meal will be about 260 calories.
  • Eat breakfast every day.
  • Eat a combination of lean proteins and complex carbs at every meal.
  • Eat 2-3 servings of healthy fat each day.
  • Drink at least 1 liter of water every day (this is my starting goal - I drink absolutely no water right now)
  • Proper portion sizes (time to bring out the measuring spoons/cups)
  • No Alcohol (Yes, I did just say that)

Eat Paleo (lots of tweaks here - I'll be following these guidelines 3 days each week)

  • No processed foods (including coffee, sweetener, pre-packaged food, etc)
  • No grains
  • No legumes
  • No dairy
  • No potatoes
  • What can I eat these 3 days???  -meat, fish, eggs, lots of veggies, some fruit, and plenty of good fats.
So there you have it.  It's basically eating clean, with 3 days each week of Paleo.  Because let's face it, I can't go without my carbs.  

What 3 days will I be eating Paleo?  I'm going for Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.  Saturday may be the hardest, but I need to do this because I tend to binge on the weekends.  

Any treat days/meals?  I'll allow myself two treat MEALS each week (not treat days).  The treat meals will need to be on NON Paleo days.

I'm sure I'll come up with more questions/tweaks.  But this is the plan for now.

Now let's get rid of this weight once and for all!!!!!!!!!

***Edited to add (this post is getting really long):  I've made up a couple schedules too.  My eating schedule (because this girl mentioned having an eating schedule helped her), and a "water break" schedule (I'll take a few breaks throughout the day to go to the water cooler and drink a cup of water - also a good excuse to get up off my butt!!).

Eating Schedule
8:15 AM
10:45 AM
1:00 PM
4:15 PM
7:30/8:00 PM

Water Break Schedule
9:30 AM
12:15 PM
3:00 PM

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Another Link-Up

I wasn't going to participate in this linkup, because I can't really think of any celebrity that I've met in person. But then I thought....wait!!  I have some pretty nifty stories, and I bet NO one could top them!  Ha.

So, story #1.  Does anyone remember the movie Jingle all the Way?  With good old Arnold Schwarz.....(I don't know how to spell his last name)?  Yep, I met someone who was in that movie.  My Grandma had recently passed away, so my Grandpa was selling the house so he could come closer to the cities near the rest of the family.  Little did I know, a MOVIE STAR would be moving in to my Grandpa's house.  The lady on Jingle all the Way.
Oh, wow Heather....Rita Wilson?!?!?!?!?


Uh, not so much.  Her name was Sandy Thomas, and I believe her character's name was "Mother in the Neighborhood."  Funny thing is, when I watched the movie, I never remember seeing her.  And when I told my friends at Girl Scouts, I lied and said that it was in fact Rita Wilson.  Hey, it's not really a lie when you weren't 100% sure, right?  And I didn't even know who Rita was at the time....I just called her "Arnold's wife."    :)        I think my mom still has the piece of paper with Sandy's autograph sitting in a box in the basement.  Could be worth lots of CASH some day!  Especially since she is so popular and I can't find an image of her on Google.

And on to sighting #2.  This was more 4 or 5 years ago.  Gosh has it been that long already??? I was at my best friend's Bachelorette party.  We were club hopping, because we are just such party animals.  We decided to head on over to Envy (a club here in Minneapolis).  We went upstairs to get some drinks, then saw a bunch of girls flocking around some person in the VIP area.  He was REALLY short, and I couldn't tell who he was.  But then one of my friends squealed out his name....
It was PRINCE!  :O     We were so dumbfounded, we just stood there, not doing anything.  Then his big buff bodyguards came and ushered him away and out the club.  Lame.  But yes, he lives here in Minnesota, so there are lots of Prince sightings.  That was my Prince cherry-popping moment.

What is YOUR celeb sighting story???

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I've Got a New Attitude!

Tomorrow on the schedule: Cardio Barre in the AM.  I will get up in the morning.

I don't need to pack my lunch tomorrow.  We're celebrating HR birthdays, and we're getting bagels from Panera Bread (I plan it, that's how I know).  I will have half of a bagel.  No more.  Then for lunch, we have a working lunch meeting, and we're ordering from the local deli.  Normally I'd have a sandwich with chips and dessert.  Not tomorrow.  I'm having a salad with water.  Nothing more.


Special thanks to Amanda and Elle for commenting on my last post with suggestions.  I always just thought of calories in < calories out = weight loss.  Not always.  I need to focus on eating cleaner.  And I'm not waiting until Monday to do this either.  No more of that (especially since my weigh-ins are in the middle of the week).

Stay tuned tomorrow for my plan to tighten up my eating.  It's time to do this 100%.  No more half-ass attempts.  Because that is not giving me results.

Stupid Weigh-In Wednesday

I am incredibly crabby and stressed out today, and I have no idea why.  I think it has something to do with that dreaded weigh-in day.  It completely put me in a sour mood - not a good way to start the day.  So what was I at last week?  Well I didn't really weigh myself in last week.  Looking through my past blog posts, I weighed in on Wednesday, November 7 at 150.  So what do I weigh today?



I know I haven't been the best eater, but I most certainly have improved my eating and cut back.  That should certainly count for something.  At least a few tenths of a pound each week at least.  But I'm GAINING.  I started this blog in August.  My initial weigh in on September 5 was 149.8.  So tell me...if I'm keeping track of everything I eat and eating LESS than I did before I started, HOW is this possible??  Mind you, it's not a lot less, but that should at least mean I should maintain or lose tiny bits.  I don't understand.

PLUS, I'm exercising MORE than I did.  Before I didn't exercise at all.  Now I do it at least once or twice a week.  Which again isn't much, but it's still MORE than what I was doing.

How is this possible??????  I'm so tired.  All I want to do is throw in the towel.  No, I haven't been perfect.  But I have been BETTER.

Sorry for the rant.  I just need to get this out before I explode.  This is not a good day to be at work.  I'm just pissed off and angry, and I'm sure everyone sees it.  *Sigh*

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here's the Plan, Stan....

So yesterday I mentioned that my eyes were opened when I saw how many calories the FitBit told me I burned all day.  I checked this morning after syncing it, and total calories burned yesterday was around 1900.  So that means if I wanted a 1000 calorie deficit (which I put in my settings), I could only eat around 900 calories.  Um, not so much.  This means I need to move more.  Having a sedentary job is NOT good for the waist line.  We all know this, but when you see the numbers, it still really hits you hard.  I thought I at least would burn over 2000.  Didn't happen.

Not only am I going to have to amp up my workouts, I'm going to have to get up from time to time throughout the day.  Take a walk.  Enjoy the scenery.

Since it's cold outside (about 20 degrees right now), walking outside is not an option for me.  I mean, it is, but I am NOT going to walk in that shit!  Maybe I can walk around the building?  Walk up the stairs a couple times?  I need to come up with a plan.  Stay tuned for that.

In regards to amping up my workouts - I want to start working out in the morning and after work.  I know it's not the most ideal, but if I want to eat at least 1400 calories, I need to do it.  And if I don't do the 2-a-days, then I need to scale back on the eating.

It's all about balance!

I tried to work out this morning, but I'm not a morning person at all and I have no energy.  So I thought it'd be best to do ballet-style workouts in the morning.  Here is my morning workout schedule...

M- P57 Express
T- Cardio Barre (either beginner or intermediate)
W- Squeeze with Tracy Effinger (the 30 minute workout)
Th- Cardio Barre
F- P57 Express

After work, I want to do BodyStep classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Then I want to do the C25K Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  And maybe Saturdays.  Sundays will be a day off.

I know it looks like a lot to take on.  But I'm not expecting perfection.  This is just my goal.  I'll see what works, and scale back/switch things up from there.  I'm hoping to lose at least 1 size by Christmas (because I've been touting on FB that I'm going to BodyStep classes, and my cousin - a marathoner - has been cheering me on....I certainly don't want to look like a slug when I see her at Christmas!!).

Monday, November 26, 2012

This Has Opened My Eyes

Quick post.  So I'm looking at my calories burned so far for the day.  I'm only at between 1600 and 1700. wonder I haven't been able to lose weight.  Now, I'm not sure how accurate this thing is, but I've been logging all my activities manually so that I get a better estimate (it says that it will be more accurate if you do this for a few days).  So if I eat around 1400 calories, that's a very little deficit.  I'm going to have to start moving more, and maybe even doing 2 workouts a day!!

It's amazing how things like these can open your eyes.  It sucks having such a sedentary job, but I know I'm not the only one.  And there's no reason I can't move around more.  And it shows me just how important exercise is when you do have a sedentary job.

I highly recommend getting this product if you're trying to lose weight, or something similar!  It will really open your eyes!!


Happy Monday all!  I'm not going to do a Thanksgiving recap, just because I'm bored of reading everyone's recaps.  All I will say is...mine was great.    :)

So last week I purchased this nifty little device....
In pink, of course.  Because I love everything pink.  I had actually purchased the BodyMedia Fit a few years ago.  I think it was a great device, but it was annoyingly big and bulky.  I only wore it once for a whole day because I got soooo many questions from people asking me what it is.  And I don't know about you, but I'd rather not put it out there to strangers that it's a device to help me lose weight.  

The FitBit?  It clips nicely on my bra, never to be seen by anyone.  I got the Zip, so it doesn't track my sleep like the regular one, but that's okay.  I don't need it to track my sleep.  I'm also excited that I don't have to pay a monthly premium to use the tools on the web site (with BodyMedia Fit, I do).  It's also wireless, so I don't need to plug it in to my computer to sync the information.  It also syncs with LoseIt!!  That is a GREAT benefit.  I decided to try the "hard" setting, and aim for a 1,000 calorie deficit each day.  Which means if I want to eat 1400-1500 calories a day, I'd better get moving!!!  

I wore it over Thanksgiving weekend, but didn't really track my food.  So this week will be my first official week with this plan.  

Oh, and Weight Watchers?  Didn't last very long, I know.  It's just too inconvenient for me.  I know a lot of people have had awesome success with Weight Watchers, but I'm just not one of them.  Wish I was.  But that's okay.  I'm real excited about this FitBit!!  I'll keep ya posted with how it works.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

When to 5K

I've decided to seriously look in to 5K's to participate in.  Only question is...when?  I live in Minnesota, so the weather here is not all that great in the winter.  Thing is, the past couple years, we haven't had much of a winter.  I think last year we only had a few inches of snow, and we had a brown Christmas (yes, it is possible here in's NOT as cold and snowy as people think sometimes!!).  And so far we haven't had any snow (at least where I live), and this week's forecast shows close to record highs in the 50s and 60s.

My dilemma right now is....should I just suck it up and do it by signing up for a St. Patty's Day 5K?  Or should I wait a little longer (really only 2 weeks) for an Easter 5K?  Or do I wait much longer and go for a Mother's Day 5K?  I know I don't have to do a "holiday" themed event, but I prefer bigger events.  Decisions, decisions.  I don't know what to do!  I really don't want to wait too long (May for Mother's Day) to do it.  But I don't want my first 5K to be in the frigid cold if the weather doesn't cooperate.
Yeah, no fun.  You would think I'm NOT from Minnesota by the way I'm acting when it comes to this decision.  Anyone out there, if you're reading this....any suggestions??


No vlog for me - I'm not that tech savvy.   ;)    Haha, actually I am, I'm just lazy, and I despise myself on camera.  I seriously think I look like a nerd.  But are my answers to the linkup questions!

1. What do you look forward to more: the food, football, or parades?
Well, if the Vikings were playing, I'd be in to the football.  But they're not, and I really don't give a hoot about any other NFL team (because I'm not that into football in the first place).  Um, never have seen a Thanksgiving Day parade in my life.  Maybe that will change some day.  So I guess by process of elimination (and my love for all things food), I'd have to say I look forward to the food.    :)    Especially the leftovers my mom lets me have.   :D

2. What's your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving Day dish?
We don't really do non-traditional in my family.  We've got all the traditional goodies.  If you asked me my favorite traditional dish, I'd say the buns.  Appetizer?  I love my mom's Taco Dip - my brother and I fight over who gets the leftovers at every holiday.    :)

3. After dinner, is it football or a nap?
See #1 above.  And we don't really nap - we just visit, with the TV on in the background.  Guys watch football downstairs, girls watch a chick flick upstairs.

4. Do you watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? Which is your favorite float?
Don't watch it.  I've watched bits and pieces in the past, but not enough to know my favorite float.  I know, I'm such a Scrooge.    ;)

5. Where do you go to celebrate and eat your big meal?  Who is there (family, friends)?
I go to my parents' house where I grew up.  It's about a 30 minute drive, so not too far.  My brother and his family are there, my Grandpa, and usually the boyfriend of the moment.  Ha.  Not a big get-together.  Christmas is the big one.

6. What is your favorite Turkey Day dessert?
Mmmm...French Silk Pie.  All you chocolate fans out there KNOW how awesome that stuff is!!  I never used to be a fan of Pecan Pie, but it's actually started to grow on me.  Last year I had it with coffee and it certainly hit the spot.  Not a big fan of Pumpkin Pie (I know...the shock! The horror!!).

Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm Still Here

I have been so bad at blogging!  I'm not doing it on purpose, I promise.  The last couple weeks has been Open Enrollment time.  I'm in benefits, so yeah - to say I've been busy is an understatement.  I work for a manufacturing company, so we need to schedule times for all of us benefits girls to go out to each factory location to help employees.  I was at another location last Wednesday 8PM-11PM (and then went in to work late the next day).  Then this Wednesday, I was at another location 5AM-8AM (God help me...we all know how much I HATE mornings!).  So it kind of threw my week off a bit.

Well and add that to the fact that my boyfriend moved out a couple weeks ago, but he's still coming over every night for food.  How convenient for him.  And then on the weekends it's like he wants nothing to do with me.  I'm getting real annoyed.  It sucks that we're so close to the holidays, but I'm going to have to either kick him to the curb, or tell him he is only allowed to see me on the weekends, because I can't continue to take care of him like a baby.

Okay, end rant.

In other news: I started Weight Watchers Online yesterday.  I have tried it in the past, but never really stuck with the tracking and stuff.  I figured now that I've gotten the hang of tracking everything with LoseIt, I could try a more structured program.  I do know that the number of points I'm allowed went up since the last time I tried it....probably because I weigh more.    :(    

Okay, I only have an hour to get something done before a meeting at 11, so I gotta run.  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gain Again

I have been such a bad blogger lately!  Part of it is that I am just tired of being the same Debbie Downer.  I feel like a broken record.  I always do so well and get off to a great start, only to lose momentum at the end of the week.  I really don't know what I can do.  I guess just keep trying?  I just don't want to continue down this path.

I weighed in today, and gained .2 since last week (now at 150).  Ugh.  Even though I was below my calories for the majority of the week last week.  Can 2 days of bad eating (the weekend) really effect my weight that much???  And it's not like I ate enough to gain anything.  I just don't get it.  I can never seem to get out of the 150s.  And don't tell me that that must just be my happy weight.  Because being overweight is not considered a happy weight.  I'm starting to get pissed off.  So before I turn this blog in to a bitch fest today, I'll end the post.  Hope everyone else has a better day.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sick Time

There may or may not be several posts today because I'm at home...I called in sick.  Yeah, I was feeling better yesterday, but this morning was terrible.  I was all stuffy, and my throat was killing me.  And my head was spinning and pounding.  I took some medicine and feel a little better now.  It probably won't stop me from doing my C25K workout's W1D3, so I gotta do it.  And it probably won't stop me from doing the 546843854681 loads of laundry I have to do.

On another, more personal, note.  The boyfriend found another place to live.  What does this mean for us?  I have no idea.  I guess whatever happens will happen.  And it will be for the best.  I need to be positive....and one positive that could come out of this is that I'll have lots of time on my hands to work on myself.

My plans?  Create my own happiness project (more on that later), workout every day (woo-hoo!), lose weight ( I can cook whatever I want), volunteer, start going to church again, and something else that I'd rather not mention on the blog right now.  But I will eventually, if something happens that allows me to.

So yeah....lots going on, and a lot on my plate right now.  But I'm excited to see where this will take me.  I actually have a good feeling about this.    :)

Now time to start sorting the laundry.  Womp womp.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Quick Update

Well I feel much better today.  The sore throat is gone, and I don't feel sluggish at all anymore.  Thank God. Oh!  And I ended up working out last proud of myself.  I even had a setback and still worked out!  The setback?  They STILL have not fixed one of the treadmills in my apartment (um,'s been more than two months, let's get on it!).  The other one was fixed, but of course someone was using it.  So I went to the Y.  I did Day 2 of C25K and burned 206 calories (per my BodyMedia Fit).  Go me, I'm proud of myself!

I also put up my November calendar and thermometer on the fridge.  Excited to fill those out - let's see if I can get those rewards!

Money is really stressing me out right now, but other than that, everything seems to be going A-Okay!  Happy November....2013 is right around the corner!