Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here's the Plan, Stan....

So yesterday I mentioned that my eyes were opened when I saw how many calories the FitBit told me I burned all day.  I checked this morning after syncing it, and total calories burned yesterday was around 1900.  So that means if I wanted a 1000 calorie deficit (which I put in my settings), I could only eat around 900 calories.  Um, not so much.  This means I need to move more.  Having a sedentary job is NOT good for the waist line.  We all know this, but when you see the numbers, it still really hits you hard.  I thought I at least would burn over 2000.  Didn't happen.

Not only am I going to have to amp up my workouts, I'm going to have to get up from time to time throughout the day.  Take a walk.  Enjoy the scenery.

Since it's cold outside (about 20 degrees right now), walking outside is not an option for me.  I mean, it is, but I am NOT going to walk in that shit!  Maybe I can walk around the building?  Walk up the stairs a couple times?  I need to come up with a plan.  Stay tuned for that.

In regards to amping up my workouts - I want to start working out in the morning and after work.  I know it's not the most ideal, but if I want to eat at least 1400 calories, I need to do it.  And if I don't do the 2-a-days, then I need to scale back on the eating.

It's all about balance!

I tried to work out this morning, but I'm not a morning person at all and I have no energy.  So I thought it'd be best to do ballet-style workouts in the morning.  Here is my morning workout schedule...

M- P57 Express
T- Cardio Barre (either beginner or intermediate)
W- Squeeze with Tracy Effinger (the 30 minute workout)
Th- Cardio Barre
F- P57 Express

After work, I want to do BodyStep classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Then I want to do the C25K Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  And maybe Saturdays.  Sundays will be a day off.

I know it looks like a lot to take on.  But I'm not expecting perfection.  This is just my goal.  I'll see what works, and scale back/switch things up from there.  I'm hoping to lose at least 1 size by Christmas (because I've been touting on FB that I'm going to BodyStep classes, and my cousin - a marathoner - has been cheering me on....I certainly don't want to look like a slug when I see her at Christmas!!).

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