Friday, February 28, 2014

The Week In Review: Celebrity Edition

Well, hello there, and happy Friday!  I'm going to be starting a new tradition on this blog just for Fridays, which will now be solely dedicated to celebs and gossip!!  Because, really, who wants to read about anything serious?  Fridays should be reserved for fluffy and fun posts!  So let's get started....

"Biggest Loser" Winner Rachel On Today Show
Okay, this is primarily a weight loss blog, so I figured I'd start with this.  Remember Rachel?

Yeah, I never really touched on all the controversy surrounding this.  She looks absolutely too thin and frail here, but heck, if she's happy, then why not be happy for her? 

Well, recently she was on the Today Show...

She looks ten times better now.  Although she swears that she lost all that weight the healthy way, after seeing how healthy she looks now, it really makes me question the validity of that claim.

Kate Hudson
I saw a picture of Kate Hudson today.  

Uh....what happened to her face??  She looks so.....unnatural?  What do you think?

Oh, Juan Pablo, Too Bad You're Such a Jerk
Everyone has heard about the latest Bachelor by now....and unfortunately, not in a good way.  We all had such high hopes.  A gorgeous Latino, with an adorable daughter, who (from the outside) looks to be a daddy's girl.  Oh how wrong we were.  Read this epic post from for this week's recap. wrote a review of Tuesday
No, Juan, I will not accept this rose.

It's About Time
Mila and Ashton are engaged.  I just love their story, and they're such an adorable couple.  I can't believe it took them this long to get together.  Bye-bye Demi.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are reportedly engaged!

And just a few more quick gossip bits....
  • Robin Thicke wants Paula back.  Don't do it Robin - run for your life!
  • Katy Perry broke up with John Mayer.  She apparently found texts from another girl on his phone. (They of course deny this, saying it's their tour schedules.  Sure.)
  • And last but not least....the Oscars are this Sunday!!!!  Oh I love Oscar season.  Fun fact: I had a blog when I was younger as well (a diary of sorts), and one of my layouts was Oscar-themed.  It was quite creative if you ask me.   ;)
That's it - have a great weekend, and enjoy the Oscars!!

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekend Rewind

I'm a little late with the weekend recap, but at least I'm doing one!  Slowly but surely I'll get back to my normal blogging schedule.  I've missed blogging, more than you know.  I'm going to start making the time to do it.

So, the weekend.  It feels like it was so long ago, ha!  Friday night I was a bore and did absolutely nothing.  I was so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep.  Saturday I planned out my meals for the week, and put together my shopping list.

Sunday was my shopping/meal prep day.  I made some egg muffins to go along with my oatmeal for breakfasts.  

I also found this recipe for some Loaded Cauli and Buffalo Chicken Casserole.  

Ummm, I had it today for the first time, and it wasn't good.  Maybe I messed it up, but it just didn't do it for me.  So sad - I just wasted a ton of food, because it went in to the garbage.   :(    But that happens.  Now I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the rest of the week.....  

Sunday night was my niece's 15th birthday party - about a month and a half late, lol.  But it was a good time - I always love hanging out over at my brother's.  I don't have any pictures because I'm a terrible blogger.  I do have a couple pictures of Ricky for you....since I know he's been missed.    ;)    Does anyone else's cat only drink water out of the sink? 

He refuses to drink water out of his water bowl.  If I do put it in there, he just pushes it around the floor and gets water everywhere, which I end up tripping on.  Sigh.

He also has stolen my bun-maker.....

The thief....

That's all for today.  Hope everyone else's weeks are going good!

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Let's Talk About Planning

Today I want to talk about planning.  Experts, and pretty much anyone who has lost weight, will agree that planning is key to weight loss.  

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

We've all heard that one a million times.  But what about those of us who are the masters at planning, and just really suck at following that plan?  That would be me.  I have to admit, I've come up with some pretty awesome plans to lose weight.  Heck, I could probably make a good living out of selling my plans to people who want to lose weight.  

"But, Heather, you haven't lost any weight," you say.

This is true.  Because I suck at following through.  I hate coming on the blog with a new "plan", because I always know it will eventually fail.  

"If you want it bad enough, you'll do it."

Well, this is true to an extent.  I do really want to lose weight.  So so bad.  I'm so tired of not fitting in to any of my clothes.  I'm so tired of having a closet full of clothes, to only be wearing the 5 same (ugly) outfits every week, because I hate how I look.  

So what's the solution?  Stop planning?  No.  I do even worse when I don't plan something out.  

All I can say is....

Just. Keep. Swimming.

I may not be the greatest at following my plans, but one thing that has come out of this is that I'm starting to develop the habit of meal planning.  If you just keep going, just keep trying, even if you're not perfect at it, it will eventually become a habit.  And through time, you'll learn how to tweak things to make meals healthier, or easier.  I can't tell you how many weeks went by that I wasted hundreds of dollars because I bought all the groceries for meals I had planned for the week, and only followed the plan one or two days out of the week - because I went out to eat for lunch, or I was too tired at night to make what I had planned for dinner.

But I kept going.  I didn't stop.  I'm not perfect at it, and sometimes I do slip up, but the habit has been formed.  And I can't imagine doing it any other way.  

The next step?  To make exercise a habit.  Eventually, all the stars will align.  Okay, I'm being a little dramatic here.  But just hear me out.  Eventually....the meal planning will be second nature, the exercise will have become a habit, and the weight will start coming off.  

So what if I've made hundreds of plans in the process?  Eventually I'll find "that plan" that works just right for me.  Until then, look forward to all my crazy planning posts.    :)   I'm sure there will be lots more to come.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Never Give Up

Sigh.  Well, here we are - middle of February, and I haven't blogged since the last day of 2013.  To say I've been busy would be an understatement.  I feel like I haven't had any time for myself, whatsoever.  My life has basically revolved around other people, which, is kind of contrary to one of my resolutions.

But it can only go up from here.  Every week I've been telling myself - I'll start this week.  I'll start exercising - weight training, and training for that 10K and 1/2 Marathon I resolved to do.  Nope.  Hasn't happened yet.  I've been doing the best I can (well, probably not) at trying to plan my meals and eating healthy.  But there certainly is room for improvement.  Especially seeing as I weigh the same as I did the last time I blogged - which happens to be my highest weight ever.  Oops.

It just is not clicking for me.  But all I can do is keep trying - right?

Anyway.  Now that I got that off my chest, that is all.     :)

I'm hoping I'll be able to update more often.  I can't promise anything, but I'll certainly try!  Have a great Valentine's Day!!