Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I've Got a New Attitude!

Tomorrow on the schedule: Cardio Barre in the AM.  I will get up in the morning.

I don't need to pack my lunch tomorrow.  We're celebrating HR birthdays, and we're getting bagels from Panera Bread (I plan it, that's how I know).  I will have half of a bagel.  No more.  Then for lunch, we have a working lunch meeting, and we're ordering from the local deli.  Normally I'd have a sandwich with chips and dessert.  Not tomorrow.  I'm having a salad with water.  Nothing more.


Special thanks to Amanda and Elle for commenting on my last post with suggestions.  I always just thought of calories in < calories out = weight loss.  Not always.  I need to focus on eating cleaner.  And I'm not waiting until Monday to do this either.  No more of that (especially since my weigh-ins are in the middle of the week).

Stay tuned tomorrow for my plan to tighten up my eating.  It's time to do this 100%.  No more half-ass attempts.  Because that is not giving me results.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Can't wait to hear how this goes for you. :)
