Wednesday, September 12, 2012


So I packed a nice big salad for lunch today.  But what am I eating??  This....

Seriously?!  SERIOUSLY, what is my problem?!  I really, really think that I need to re-think my "Salads of the Week."  I touched on this a little last week, but decided I'd give it another try.  And even when I do have my salad here, I don't want it.  I've been thinking about it all I really don't want my salad.  So I didn't eat it.  It's still sitting in the office fridge.  Lovely.

I am NOT a salad kinda gal, no matter how hard I try, or how "creative" I am.  I really am a sandwich/wrap and chips kinda gal.  That's not something I can change.  I can certainly get my veggies in with a sandwich, and I can keep the calories down if I'm creative enough.

So no more Salads of the Week.  Time to surf the web and other blogs for some lunch ideas.

1 comment:

  1. as i mentioned yesterday, i struggle with lunch too! im not a huge salad person, i actually have to be in the mood for them also. i love anything in sandwich form. I like the naturs own wheat or multi grain bread because it has lots of fiber and 2 slices is 100 cals (or 80 for 2 slices depending on the variety you get). and then I load it up with turkey or chcken, lettuce, and tomatoe, and usually mozzarella! and im in love with pita chips lately. sometimes i eat random things for lunch like pita chips and hummus and an orange and a yogurt. kinda wierd.
