Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy March & Some News

Happy Friday lovelies!  So glad that the weekend is here, and to have NO PLANS at all!  Yay for being 27 with no social life.   :D    But no, really - I actually am glad I have nothing planned.  I'll be deep cleaning my apartment this weekend....that place is just nasty.    :\

So here we are, March 1.  I mentioned yesterday that Spring/Summer is just around the corner, and it's time to kick this butt in to high gear.  First up, a little news for you.  This will no doubt kick my butt in to gear.

What's this, you say?  Oh, just my registration confirmation for my FIRST 5K on Mother's Day!  I will be making it Facebook official this weekend, so it's on like Donkey Kong!  I know I said I was going to be starting training last week, but I actually mis-counted my weeks.  Leave it up to Heather for another one of her blonde moments.  The C25K program is an 8-week program, but figured I'd stretch it to 10 weeks.  Last week would have been 11 weeks.  So it starts on Monday.

And I'll be able to use this lovely thing as my butt kicking motivation tool #2....

Yes, that's right.  I joined the gym last night!!  Whoop whoop!  This is not the first gym I've joined (um, I've joined 3 others).  But I'm really excited about the classes.  At-home DVD workouts are going out the window.  I'm finding it harder and harder to motivate myself to workout when I get home, rather than stuff my face on the couch while simultaneously watching TV, surfing the internet on the computer, and constantly checking Facebook and Instagram on my phone.  You'd think I'm ADD or something.  But my fingers are quite fit, if I do say so myself, from all the channel surfing, web surfing, and phone tapping.

And the icing on the cake for this post?  My March Goals!   :)

Happy March, Happy Friday, and have an awesome weekend!


  1. So awesome that you've signed up for yor first 5k and joined a gym! So great!

  2. way to go girl!!
    if you are interested, My SIL, myself and some other MN bloggers are going to do the Color Run in July down in the cities. let me know if you want to join us :)

  3. Congrats on signing up for your first 5K! I'm sure you will do great!

  4. Yay for signing up for a 5k. Great March goals!

  5. Congratulations on registering for your first 5k and joining the gym.I'm sure your March goals will all be ticked off as planned :)
