Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Enough Is Enough

First of all, thank you to everyone who commented on my series.  It was a bit hard putting all that out there, as it is a little embarrassing, but I'm glad I did it.  All of your comments have helped me immensely.  I hope to, in the future, open up more with various series.  And don't worry - they won't all be serious and depressing, hehe!


So, I decided that I was going to kick the scale to the curb last month.  Remember?  I thought that by focusing on my behaviors, rather than my weight, I would actually get somewhere.

Wrong.  I weighed myself this morning, and I weighed the SAME.

That's right.  No change.  And I am feeling hopeless.  Absolutely hopeless.  Since the beginning of the year, I went from not working out AT ALL to working out 5-6 days/week.  Since the beginning of the year, I went from eating a ton of fast food and not counting calories, to eating more fruits/vegetables, watching what I eat, and watching my calories/portions.  And since the beginning of the year, I have gained weight.  Like 10 pounds of weight.  Is there something wrong with me???

I've decided that maybe, since I'm extra short (5'1"), I shouldn't be as lenient as I am with my calories.  Maybe I should NOT be eating back my exercise calories.  It has gotten me no where.  Maybe 1200 calories is what I need to eat, not the 1600-1700 I've been eating (although I still only had a net of about 1200-1300).  I hate being short.

I'm seriously at a loss.  A part of me thought that maybe it's my birth control pills.  I've never had this kind of problem.  But I've been on the pills for more than 2 years now.  They can't still have an effect on me, and I know I'm just looking for excuses.


Enter, my Birthday Month Challenge - 31 Days of Weight Loss.  Yep, May is my birthday month - I'll be 28 on May 26 (ugh, that dreaded 3-0 is coming faster than I care to say).  I figured this would be a good way to end Operation Red Bikini with a bang.  A lot of girls are doing the Jillian Michaels Challenge for ORB, but I can't do Jillian every day.  I don't like her.  I can, though, deal with her a few times a week (with my own music).  Here's how the challenge will work - it's based on a points system, and I got the idea from Six Sisters Stuff - and they got the idea from the Lifetime Wellness Challenge....

(Click to make the picture larger)

It's kind of like what I was doing this past month - rewarding my behaviors, but now it's based on a points system.  And depending on how many points I get by the end of the month, I'll get a prize.  Week 1 has less possible points because May 1 is a Wednesday, so maximum points for week 1 is 203.  The remaining weeks is 297.  Then I get bonus points for weight lost, and maintaining lowest weight.  Yes, I'll be weighing myself weekly again.  Weigh-in days will be Mondays.  

If you take a closer look at that picture, you'll see that I get points for both morning and evening workouts.
That's right.  Two-a-days are here!  I told you - enough is enough, and it's time to get serious!  Morning workouts will consist of 30DS on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (again, with my own music); and Cathe Friedrich's Super Cuts on Tuesday and Thursday (a shorter premix - I want to keep my morning workouts to 30 minutes or less).  Details on my evening workouts to come...

My birthday month has a ton of great stuff in store.  There's even an added bonus at the end of the month -
but you won't get those details until later!    :)

(Hehe, sorry - I've been watching too much I Love Lucy on Hulu)

And with that, I'm out!  Make it a great one!


  1. I love this idea. You can do this!

  2. Way to go girl! Keep up the good stuff!
    oh and Happy birthday !!
