Thursday, February 7, 2013

Back to Normal

It's ALMOST Friday.  It's also time for me to stop being so negative!  I apologize for the string of negativity in the last couple posts.  I get like that sometimes during that time of the month.  I know I'm probably just a joy to be around for the boyfriend.

As far as the binges and bad eating?  Not only is it that time of month, but I also failed to plan for this week.  I've gone to the grocery store a couple times, because I didn't plan any dinners.  I did cook something up for lunches, but I ended up not liking it.  So that went out the window.  Today I went to the salad bar at a local grocery store...which isn't too bad.  But I know that I'm going to have to keep it up with the planning.

My focus for next week will be on planning!!

Another focus for next week?  More cardio.  Today is the last day for my very first rotation on Xtrain!  I'm so proud of myself for actually finishing.  I did SuperCuts last night, and plan on doing Bi's & Tri's tonight, maybe with some Tabata tacked on the end (maybe just one round?), since I missed a couple workouts this week.  I'll be reviewing everything in more detail tomorrow along with my Fitness Review Friday post.

So with the end of this rotation comes a new rotation, and I'd like to focus more on cardio.  So I'll be doing the 30 Day Cardio/Strength Rotation.  I'm really thinking this will give me that push on the scale that I need.  I'm real excited to start this rotation.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around the last couple days, and thanks to those who have commented and showed some support.  It's really appreciated.  Especially at this time of month when I'm so emotional, and all I want to do is eat a whole package of caramel rolls (I was so tempted to grab it at the grocery store last night).

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