Saturday, February 16, 2013

Another Liebster

It seems the blog world has turned in to a world full of link-ups, giveaways, and sponsored posts.  Not that I'm complaining - I love all this free stuff just as much as anyone.  BUT...sometimes it's nice just to go to all your favorite blogs and read about the happenings of that person's day.  I'm seeing less and less of that, and it's making me a little sad.

Oh well.  I digress.

I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Kay at Best Intentions!  Thanks, Kay!  And, by the way - she just posted a recipe for some mini corn dogs and they look YUMMY!!

Since this is my second award, I'll answer the questions, but I'm not going to nominate other bloggers for another award...because I'm lazy!  Ha!  So here we go...

1. What was the first blog you started reading?  Oh my gosh.  This is hard to answer...I've been reading blogs for quite a while, and I don't really remember.  But the first one(s) were not diet/fitness related.  This was back in the day when people had the "Dear Diary" type blogs on Angelfire and Geocities (remember those???).  First blogs were and SparkleyNicole.  I'm not sure if either of them have blogs now.  Would be interested to see what they're up to now!!

2. If you were another person, why would you be friends with you?  Good question!  I'd be friends with me because I'm fun-loving, kind, and loyal.  I'm always there for someone when they need me.

3. What's the story behind your name?  There really isn't parents just liked the name Heather.

4. If you had an unlimited budget, and could travel anywhere for 1 week, where would you go? Well, can we stop time too?  Because there are lots of places I'd like to visit.  Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Austria, England, and Italy top my list.  I have a pretty big list!   :)

5. Do you have a special talent?  Hmmm...not sure I would say it's special, but I play the piano, and still at 27 years old can do the splits.   :)    (I was in dance since age 3 for more than 20 years)

6. What is your favorite TV show?  I like all reality shows.  Non-reality would be Parenthood.

7. Most embarrassing moment? I don't really have one....I don't get too embarrassed that easily.  I just laugh at myself and move on.    :)

8. What's hidden under your bed? Ha, well...nothing.  Just some dirty socks and kleenex.

9. Describe the last dream you remember having. Mine is from last night actually.  I dreamt that I went somewhere, and I kept imagining how great it would be to be reunited with my boyfriend.  It was like a scene from a movie, and it was different every time, LOL.

10. What's the next planned event you're looking forward to?  My 10 YEAR high school reunion this summer.  God, I can't believe it's been 10 years already.   :O

11. What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? Hmm, that's a hard question.  Maybe I should learn to be a little more appreciative of things.  Probably when, in high school, I was feeling down and feeling like my boyfriend didn't love me anymore.  He called my cell and left a message with the song "You're Still The One" by Orleans and sent me flowers.  Um, yeah, obviously I'm not still the one, LOL.  But it was sweet nonetheless.   :)

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