Thursday, June 13, 2013

NSV Thursday

Today I'm linking up with Katie for some good old NSV's for the week.  I feel like this week, my momentum has started to get back on track, and I really think that my blogging schedule has been a huge contributor to that.  And that brings me to my first NSV.

  • I've gotten back in to the swing of things, thanks to my blogging schedule.  A couple times, I was so tempted to go off track with my eating or not work out, but then I thought: "Oh, but I have to blog about this tomorrow."  And I don't want to report to everyone how much I'm sucking it up (like usual)!!  Ha!
  • Yesterday I went out to a lunch meeting at Granite City.  One of the girls ordered a Mountain Dew, and my ears perked up.  Um....Mountain Dew is like crack to me.  But, no....I remembered my #NoSodaSummer challenge, and I ordered water.  It was actually quite refreshing!
  • With regards to that same lunch, I had scoured the menu before going, and there really weren't too many healthy options.  Even the salads were close to 1,000 calories!  Yikes!  So I told myself I'd treat myself.  I ordered a regular cheeseburger, and I only ate about 1/2 my fries (about a cup).  
  • I've gotten back on track with running.  Yes, I'm only running about a mile at a time and dying, but I'm running.  And it feels good.  Love that hot, sweaty, unstoppable feeling I get!  Today's run is supposed to be 1.5 miles.  

That's it for now.  I'm doing pretty good so far.  Just gotta take one day at a time.  Tomorrow is weigh in day!  See you then!


  1. So awesome that you're getting back to it! Keep it up!


  2. I love the idea of the NSV. It sounds like you are doing fantastic!

  3. You are doing awesome! I agree that the blog is definitely good for accountability!! Not ordering soda when eating out is so hard!!! Thank you so much for linking up with us!!

  4. Great NSVs, Heather!! I love that you stuck to your no-soda rule and to have that burger and fries in front of you and to stop?? That is self-control at its finest, sister! So proud of yoU!!

  5. Great NSVs - I love your idea of a no soda summer! Soda has never really been a problem for me, but when I have one it does cut down my water intake so this is such a good idea. Eating out is so hard. We also can never really be sure about how it is made - it helps just to order something and really limit your portion. You did great!


  6. Great NSV. See, this is what I love about blogging. Blogging hold us accountable to our goal. Have a great weekend, Heather.


  7. GREAT NSVs this week! Keep it up. I've been stuck at the same weight for months, but you know, at least it's not moving the other way!
    Lulu and Daisy
