Monday, June 10, 2013

Menu Plan Monday #1 & A New Blogging Schedule

Morning , er good afternoon everyone!  It's been a busy one - though I hate Mondays, the day usually seems to go by fairly quickly.

My weekend was pretty good, albeit the terrible weather.  June 10, and still the weather has been cold and rainy.  I'm over it.  Looking at the forecast, though, it's about to get better.  I went to visit with my grandpa on Saturday morning - it's always great to visit with him.  He's my only grandparent left - his wife died when I was 7, and my grandparents on my dad's side died when I was still a baby.  I wish I would have had more than one grandparent growing up, but I think "Gramps" has more than made up for it!


So last week, I mentioned that it's time to get back to basics, and that it's time to come up with a blogging schedule.  I think that coming up with a schedule will hold me more accountable on this journey, rather than randomly grasping at straws trying to come up with a blog topic every day.  So, without further ado...

Menu Plan Mondays - I'll go over my fitness menu and meal menu for the week.
Accountability Tuesdays -  I'll go over my goals for the week, and will recap how well the previous week's goals went.
Workout Wednesdays - I'll go over how my workouts are going so far, and probably give some reviews and share the details of some of my workouts.
NSV Thursdays - I'll link up with Katie on Thursdays for some good old NSV's - to get my mindset in a good place before....
Weigh-In Fridays - Weigh In day!  And I'll recap the week - what went well, what didn't, etc.


That brings me to Menu Plan Monday.  Not just my meal menu, but also my fitness menu for the week.

Fitness Menu (I'll go into more detail on Wednesday for Workout Wednesday)
Monday - 1 mile run
Tuesday - Power Circuit + 1 mile run
Wednesday - 10-10-10 + 1 mile run
Thursday - All Step + 1.5 mile run
Friday - Step & Intervals + 1.5 mile run
Saturday - Kickbox + 1.5 mile run
Sunday - Off

Meal Menu
My menu is pretty simple.  For breakfasts I'll be having my Pineapple-Mango smoothies.  Snacks will be mango with string cheese, and also wheat thins with Laughing Cow cheese (2 snacks per day).  For lunches I'll be having Lean Cuisines.  I know, not the healthiest, but I need the convenience of these this week.  I promise, in the future I'll be eating cleaner, but for now - these are going to have to do!  Dinners will be as follows....
Monday - Italian Pasta
Tuesday - Chicken Dinner (drumsticks with boiled potatoes, plantain, and veggies)
Wednesday - Stew meat with plantain and veggies
Thursday - Fish with rice and lentils

**Weekend meals are usually eaten out or consist of leftovers.  I'm hardly ever home on the weekends, and usually go with the flow, so it's hard to plan for those.  Once I get the hang of this meal planning, I'll attempt to come up with some kind of solution to that problem.


That's it for now.  Come back tomorrow for Accountability Tuesday!!


  1. Great plan & meals! I totally need to plan better.

  2. I love the schedule idea-- that will make it easier to write posts!

  3. Love the blog planning... I have a bit of that to do myself! I hope your workouts go well this week, I know you can do it! :)
