Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Favorite Teacher is Gone - and Yoga

Yesterday was my first time back at the gym in a few months!  It was great!  I went to a Core Fit class for 25 minutes, and then straight to Turbo Step.  I was pumped, until I realized that the teacher had changed.

I remember when I first started taking that class, she mentioned she'd be retiring from her day job (in an office), and that she wouldn't be teaching anymore, beginning some time in September.  She must have gone early, because last night was the first night she was gone.    :(     She is apparently traveling Spain for a year to learn Spanish so she can teach it.  I don't know if she'll be back in a year or not, but her class was definitely a lot less full.  She was so beloved at that gym.  She'll really be missed.    :(

Last night's teacher was okay.  The music was a little boring and didn't get you pumped.  I was ready to leave after the first 10 minutes, but I stuck it out.  Luckily, she was just there for that night only.  I think she said they're still deciding on a teacher, and that whoever it is, will be there next week.  I really hope they don't cancel it.  It's my favorite class!  Unfortunately, I don't think anyone will be as good as the original teacher.  So sad!!

I may be doing a little moving around of my schedule, because she was actually the teacher for a few of my other classes.  I'm thinking on the weekends I'll be trying out Yoga (I've only done a little, here and there...just beginner videos).  I always thought it wasn't a great workout, but I've heard from a few people that it really is a great workout.  And just look at Elissa from Big Brother!!!

She's a yoga instructor, and is doing Yoga every day on the feeds.  Just look at those abs!!!  She looks amazing.  She may be annoying, but that girl's body is unbelievable.


I'm also happy to report that my eating has been really good the last few days.  I've been so tempted to just go to McDonald's for dinner the last couple nights, because it was late, and I was too tired to make something at home.  But the reality was, I had leftovers both nights, so I knew it wouldn't take too long to whip something up.  So I stayed away from McDonald's both nights, and ate a healthy dinner!  I'm so proud of myself.  I'm even feeling a little less puffy!!  Woo-hoo!

That's it for today, folks!  Later!

1 comment:

  1. When I went to a gym with classes, I got very attached to my favorite teachers. Substitutes had a lot to live up to! I hope your class gets a teacher who is just as good as the last one.
