Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bullet Points With a Weigh-In

And my weight for this week....


Which makes a 0.4 loss.  I wasn't expecting anything greater than that, so I'll take it.  This week has been full of things popping up, so I haven't even been able to go to the grocery store.  Which means I've been going out for lunch every day.  Oops.  I figure a week off from being strict isn't a huge deal, and I'm not going overboard.  I just need to make sure I get back on track for next week - ie: no skipping the grocery store, or my workouts!


I don't really have much to talk about, so this post will be quite random and full of bullet points.

  • I know I said last week that I want to create a challenge so that I start taking more pictures for the blog.  I'm still brainstorming, so don't give up on me!  I haven't forgotten about it.

  • Does anyone have advice on (quickly and easily) cleaning their blenders?  I want to start having smoothies for breakfast every day, but I don't want the mess or clean up.  I was thinking that maybe after I make my smoothies, I just fill the blender with hot water and soap, let it soak for the day, and then dry it at night.  Then put it in the dishwasher on the weekends only.  Is that gross?  I'm just too lazy to completely wash it every day.  

  • I'm thinking of trying the Paleo diet out.  But a more lenient version, which includes allowing dairy and/or grains (like oatmeal) in the mornings only.  Just thought I'd put that out there.  Weekends will be tough.

  • Next weekend (the 26th) is my 28th birthday.  You may start sending presents my way now.  Email me for my address.   :D

And with that, I'll end this random post.  It's almost Friday!  Make it a great one!!


  1. I always put a little soap and water in the blender after I make my smoothie. Run the blender for a minute and then rinse it out with water. My seal on the bottom does not leak so I do not think it's gross to wait to wash it.

  2. I handwash everything since my teeny apartment doesn't have a dishwasher. I'll usually soak the blender during the day, then give it a quick scrub when I get home from work and let it air dry overnight. I think you're fine.

  3. I throw some soap in, run it, dump, rinse and leave the lid off to air dry during the day. I usually take it all apart and send thru diswasher on weekend (if I remember). It hasn't killed me yet!
