Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Adventures

Okay, I’m taking a little break from my “Moving Forward” series today to talk about what I’ve been doing so far this week.  I have come up with a plan, and I’m really excited to share it….but part of it is coming later, in another post.

Yesterday I went back to the gym…probably the first time in about a month.  I mentioned a while back that I joined Lifetime Fitness….lots of money, but well worth it.  Well, um….if I go, that is.  I really need to put that money to use if I’m going to have such an expensive membership.

Anyway….so yesterday I tried out the Warrior Sculpt class.  It’s like a blend of yoga, traditional strength & cardio training.  Plus….the room is heated up to about 75-80 degrees.  And of course I forgot my water bottle.  Ugh.  As soon as i walked in the room I needed a drink – it was heated in there!  The beginning of the class was really relaxing.  I started to wonder if I was in the right class.

Oh boy, I sure was in the right class!  The pace quickened from there.  I had to make several adjustments to make things easier, and had to leave the room a few times for some water.  There was one part where I felt a little dizzy, so I had to just stand there and wait for it to pass.

But I loved it!!  I’ve never done anything like it before.  Yes, it was hard – and a little embarrassing, because everyone seemed to keep up really well – but it is something I really want to keep working at!

Tonight I’ll be starting the C25K plan (Yep!!! I’m running again…..more on that in another post!!), and then I’ll be doing a LifeBarre class.  I’m really excited about that one, especially since I have a background in dance.  I don’t expect it to be easy, by any means….but dance is something I really, really miss.  I’m glad to be adding that class!

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!!

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