Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Getting My Fitness On

Hello everyone!  Hope you're having a good Tuesday.  I, for one, am counting down until it's over.  Not looking forward to a couple meetings I have today, and I'm also supposed to be getting more information on the **hopefully good news** tomorrow (I touched on it last week, but don't want to go in to details until it's certain)!  So I just want today to be over!!

Anyway, it's not.  It's still morning.  So let's talk about my workout plan for the next 8 weeks.  I mentioned in my post yesterday that I really need to kick my butt into gear.  I have not done much working out in the past couple of weeks, and that needs to change.  I figured I need a more clear-cut plan.  And since I never followed through with the Peak Fit Challenge I spoke about before, I decided to give it a go again.

For the next 8 weeks, I'll be doing the Peak Fit Challenge (click here to learn more).

I'm really excited about this, and feel like I'm finally ready to do this.  Since my workout calendars were so motivating and helpful while I did Xtrain, I'm going to be making them again, and hanging them on my fridge.  The workout plan will go on the calendar, and I'll place stickers on each day as I complete a workout.

This will also make an addition for the blog.  Each day, I'll be adding a "Fitness In Review" section to all of my blog posts, where I'll talk about the previous day's workout, and how it went.  And that starts today!

Yesterday was Day 1 of the Peak Fit Challenge.  Since I did the Fitness Testing not too long ago, I skipped that and went straight to Pure Cardio.  It was a killer - talk about non-stop!!  Michelle takes you through "Basecamp" (gets your heart rate down), "Ascent" (gets the heart pumping), and then finally "Climb" (this really gets your heart pumping).  You go through each of these phases 4 times on each side.  The workout is a little under 60 minutes.  This was a tough workout and I was sweating buckets!  I wish I would have worn my heart rate monitor - I'm pretty sure I burned some major calories.  

I loved this workout.  I'm pretty sure that Michelle used to be a dancer - I get that vibe from her.  I loved the workout because it almost felt like a choreographed dance (but not too dancey, for those who don't like that), and the music was awesome!!  I can even feel it in my abs today - must have been all that kicking and punching.   :)    Can't wait until I can do the second workout today - Pure Strength 1!  :)


That's it for today.  Make it a great one!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! I came this way for. A comment you posted on Katie's post about online dating - I never scroll through comments or follow to other bloggers, but I'm so happy I did. Another Minnesotan here! And new follower!! I haven't looked around yet, but you have to be pretty darn amazing because you're from MN. :)
