So this blog post will be dedicated to that (there'll be another one today for the regularly scheduled program). So basically, the Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for sweetest, valued, welcome and/or favorite.
The Rules: Each nominee must share 11 things about themselves. Answer the 11 questions set for you and create 11 questions for the people you nominate. Nominate promising new bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
11 Things About Me:
-I have been a dancer all my life - since I was 3!
-I have one brother who is 11 years older than me, so I was basically an only child.
-I only have one grandparent left - Gramps (my mom's dad). My dad's parents died shortly after I was born, and my grandma (Gramps's wife) died when I was about 7.
-My favorite color is PINK! :D
-I have very few real life friends - probably about 3 - but they are the best friends a girl could ask for (2 of them I've known since 2nd grade).
-I have only visited 4 other states (Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and California); and have only been to 2 other places outside the US - Aruba and Mexico.
-I have a niece (14) and a nephew (12).
-My family has a cabin "up north" that I love going to in the summers. The in-laws have a cabin across the street, and my aunt and uncle (my mom's sister and her husband) have a cabin right next door.
-I went to school for 5 years, am in incredible debt, and I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I really don't think I've found my "calling."
-My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. I watched it ALL the time with my Grandma when she was still alive.
-I love any and all reality TV.
11 Questions I had to Answer:
Favorite Movie? Oh shoot. I already answered this. The Sound of Music!
What made you start blogging? I needed the accountability, I like talking about myself, and I love to write!!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why? Right here in MN with all my friends and family.
Walk or run? Well, for now, walk. But that 5K training is coming up!!
Favorite time of year? Spring and Fall.
What is your favorite song right now? Anything country. :)
What is your goal for the year? Get down to my goal weight of 115 pounds, and find the confidence that I lost so long ago.
What is hockey, basketball, or football? Not real sure I understand the question, but I'll say that my favorite would probably be football. Though I'm not a huge sports fan.
How do you capture your memories? I'm really bad at taking pictures (probably because I hate the way I look in all pictures), but am hoping to get better at it with this blog's help!
Iphone, Android, or Blackberry? Android. I've seen my mom's iPhone, and honestly don't know what all the fuss is about. I like my Galaxy SIII. :)
Glass half full or half empty? Hmm, depends what kind of day I'm having, but I tend to have a glass that's half full.
Questions to my nominees: (I'm lazy, so I'm picking the same questions I had)
Favorite movie?
What made you start blogging?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?
Walk or run?
Favorite time of year?
What is your favorite song right now?
What is your goal for the year?
What's your favorite: hockey, basketball, or football?
How do you capture your memories?
iPhone, Android, or Blackberry?
Glass half full or half empty?
My nominees are:
Jonesyjl2 @ Life or Something Like It
EmDub @ Faster In Water
Toya @ Kismet and Kilograms
I love The Sound of Music as well. :)
ReplyDeleteAwe thanks...just saw this, I'm always like a week behind in blog reading :) I LOVE lake days/weeks with my fam in summer. I'm just at my first real girl job and I have to hoard all my vacation days for summer. At least that's what I tell myself to get through winter! haha! But I cannot agree with you about the Sound of Music. But I LOVE that it is something you and your grandmother did together.