Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back Sweat

2 posts in one weekend??  Crazy, I know.  It's crazy how excited I am about this Xtrain series.  I've never been this excited to exercise.  I love how every workout is so different.  I love Cathe...she is the best of the best!

Speaking of Xtrain....

Check out that back sweat!!  :)     Cardio Leg Blast was on schedule for today.  I tried this one out on Thursday, but stopped about 15-20 minutes in to it because I was so sore, and my legs were about to give out any minute.  And today I made it through the whole workout!  I did rest a little during one of the cardio blasts, and I had to take it easy on a couple of the moves.  But I'm really looking forward to the day I can make it through the whole workout without having to make any adjustments.


Food-wise, I think I made some huge strides as far as weekends go.  I didn't go out to eat at all on Saturday.  However, I did go out last night, and had 2 (smaller) rum and cokes.  Went to bed around 3, and I had a bit of a headache (only 2 drinks and I had a headache...can you tell I hardly ever drink??).  But I didn't let that stop me.  I went grocery shopping, and once I got home, I put my workout gear on and got to work!  Felt good to get that second "X" on the calendar!   :)


It's almost 9:30.  My meals for tomorrow are packed, along with the boyfriend's.  I'm feeling really on top of it right now.  What a good feeling!  


  1. Hey I just found your blog and I enjoy it!!! I was looking for a way to follow along and I didnt see it. did I miss that? Im goofy so I may have missed it.


    1. Hey Toya! Thanks for reading/commenting! You can certainly follow along. :) You would just need to click on the "Join This Site" link (it's blue) to the right of the page. It's under the "About Me" section. If you still have trouble finding it, let me know! And now I'm heading on over to check out your blog! :)

    2. Told you Im goofy I didnt scroll over LOL my bad!!! Im following along!
