Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Crazy Lady & Shopping

Oh boy....I think I'm getting sick again.  I was feeling it a little bit yesterday....my chest started hurting, and my throat felt a little scratchy.  Lovely.  I just got a over a cold like 2 weeks ago!  Oh, the joys of living in the frigid state of Minnesota.

Check out that temp....2 below zero!!!  That's the temperature it was on my way home from work yesterday.   :O    And it's even colder today.  I think it was at 11 below on my way in to work.  A lot of schools up north were delayed or closed because the wind chills were so dangerous.  Brings back memories of the time in elementary school when the governor closed every school in the state of Minnesota, because the wind chills were 50 below!   :D


Last night I went to watch the boyfriend play volleyball.  But NOT before I got in my workout!   :D    Yesterday's workout was SuperCuts.  This was a new one - it's the first time this was in my rotation, and the last.   :(     I wish it was in my rotation more often, because it. was. AMAZEBALLS!  Holy crap...Cathe is one crazy lady!!!  I think it was one of the toughest workouts I have ever done, and it was all over with in only 45 minutes.  The time flew by, and get this - I was smiling after the workout.  Not because it was over with.  Nope, I was smiling because I genuinely enjoyed it.  That is a first.  This workout series just amazes me more and more every day.  I'm only a week and a half in to it, and I'm already noticing some awesome changes.

Just a few highlights from the workout...

Today's workout is Hard Strikes Timesaver + Core.  Kickboxing is not a favorite of mine, but this workout is short enough, and varied enough, that it doesn't get too boring for me.  


So they say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  That has definitely been the case this week.  I still have not done any meal planning or grocery shopping for the week.  And it's Tuesday.  Needless to say, last night was a later night for us, and I went to get some Chinese food....there was nothing to cook.  Shoot.  

Looks like I'll be meal planning today, and I should probably go shopping right away after work.  I also didn't pack a lunch today.   :-\     I should go to Lund's to their amazing salad bar.....but I really don't want to go outside and freeze my nose off.  But there really is nothing here (we don't have a cafeteria here....it sucks).  I may just have to suck it up!

Hope everyone else is staying warm!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, yum, but with tons of calories and sodium. But it doesn't hurt to have every now and then. :)

  2. I love Chinese food!!! Good job on working out and supporting your boo!!!
