Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Legs Legs Legs + Reviewing My Resolutions

It's Hump Day!  The work week is half over!  You know what else it is?  It's the 30th of January.  Excuse me??  Wasn't New Years Eve, like, yesterday???  You know you're getting old when time starts moving faster and faster.

One other quick thing before I start on today's topics.  So yesterday, as I was putting my sports bra on, I noticed my girls were hurting a bit.  Hm, that's weird.  I just had my period.  Then I FREAKED OUT.

"Oh my God, what if I'm pregnant???  I took a couple pills late last month, but I couldn't be pregnant from THAT, could I?????"

I rushed to my purse, got my pill pack out.......and realized that I'm halfway through week 3.  Seriously???  Good old Aunt Flo will be making another visit next week.  Just another example of how fast time flies.  Sheesh.  Pregnancy crisis averted.


Last night's workout was 80 minutes of LEGS.  Well, probably about 65 minutes of legs, plus about 10 minutes of Rear Delt work.  My legs were on FIRE.

Boy do I love those firewalkers.  And that barre workout??  You know, with me being a dancer all my life, I thought, "This will be a piece of cake, and I'll breeze right through it."


I think that was the hardest part of the workout.  My dancer legs are getting out of shape!  Sad.  But I'll get them back!   :)    And hopefully next year I won't be so broke so that I can join dance again.  I was in it last year, but had to drop out this year because of money issues.


New Years Resolutions.  How is everyone doing on those?  Now that we're a month in to the new year, I thought it'd be a great time to review mine.   So here we go....

Run my first 5K
Haven't started training for that yet.  I decided a few weeks ago that I would do a 5k race in May, rather than March, because winter this year is mighty cold.  I know which race I'll be signing up for, and I'll be updating my 5K Training page in the near future, so watch for that!

Complete the Xtrain Series
In its entirety.  I chose the 30 day undulating rotation with Ride.  I'm almost through week 3, so that means I have one week left!  Pretty sure I'll be meeting this goal!  I'm so proud of myself.  I have NEVER stuck with one rotation/routine.  I usually drop out after the first week or so, either because I lose motivation, or because I want to see if there's something better out there.  Not this time.  Cathe is kicking my butt.  One thing I want to see more of, though, is cardio.  So once I'm finished with this rotation, I'm moving on to the 30 Day Cardio/Strength rotation.  More on that to come next week!

Reach My Goal Weight
Yeah, well, I'm not going to lose 35+ pounds in 4 weeks people!  I want to get down to 115.  I haven't been weighing myself (though I have taken a few peeks).  Tomorrow, though, since it's the last day of the month, I'm going to take my measurements and weight.  Pretty sure there will be a gain on the scale.  Don't judge.  I have been logging on MFP now for 2 days, and it's going better than expected.  Check out yesterday's results...

Get My Budget Under Control
I'm slowly but surely working on this one.  I've cut down on meals out and weekends out (which in turn makes me drive less, so less gas).  I've also cancelled my gym membership, as well as my cable (both together were almost $200/month!).  I think I've got a better handle on things, and I've been able to put $50/week in to my savings account.  Now if only I can keep myself from taking that money out!

Create a Cleaning Schedule/Household Notebook
Have to be honest - I haven't worked on this one.  With making sure I workout EVERY day after work, it's been a little hard trying to find balance, and my apartment is suffering.  In other words, it's a mess.  This week, though, I've actually been able to be a little more productive.  Monday night I cleaned the bedroom and washed the bedding.  Last night I cleaned the bathroom.  Maybe tackling 1 room each night would be good?  It honestly doesn't take too long.  But I'll continue to work on a schedule that I could work with.


How is everyone else doing on their goals/resolutions?

See you tomorrow for an update on my weight and measurements!


  1. Those are great goals! I'm the same way though, I can't believe January is practically over already!

  2. You have great goals.. I too have not started my home binder/organization thing so I feel you! Good luck with all your goals you will reach goal weight in no time.
