Thursday, September 6, 2012


I am so stressed right now.  Nothing in the world is worse when you have money problems, and it seems like I just can't get a break.  Every time I feel I'm catching up, something happens and everything snowballs.  I was able to get my savings account to a good amount.  Now I have $20.  And this morning I checked my bank account - I was in the hole at -$25.  I had to do a cash advance just to keep me above water until I get paid tomorrow (which will be a lower check because they had to dock hours since I went in the hole with vacation time when I was sick).  I've been spending the morning trying to figure out how to get myself out of this mess.

And all I want to do right now is go to McDonald's and drown myself in their grease (and hey, it's cheap, so that will help with the money front!).  Which I know will make me feel worse.  And yesterday was a good day, until I went to watch my boyfriend play volleyball.  My lunch wasn't big enough, and I was starving.  So I had doritos and soda (even though I'm not supposed to have soda).  Then when I got home I was still starving (mind you, it was 10:45, and still hadn't had dinner).  So I had 2 lemon loaf cake slices while I was cooking dinner.  For dinner I had white rice, a hard-boiled egg, and 1/4 avocado.  The chicken wasn't done, so no chicken.  We had to get to bed.

Ugh.  What to do....

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