Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time To Get Real

In just 3 short days, on August 10, it will mark my one year anniversary of having this blog.  This blog started out as Eat, Live, Dance, Repeat - which later became My Inner Butterfly when I got my own domain name.  

One year ago, this is what I looked like.

And now?

To say I'm not happy with this would be an understatement.  Who starts a weight loss blog, only to gain weight (I started this blog weighing in at 148 pounds; I now weigh 157 pounds)?  Granted, I did accomplish some great things in the past year.  I ran my first 5K - something I never thought I'd do.  I also finished an entire rotation of Xtrain (um, which I gained weight on).  

As Dr. Phil would say....

It's time to get real.

I have not done what I set out to do with this blog.  When I started writing here, I had high hopes.  I just knew that "now was the time."  That 2013 would be my year.  2013 isn't over yet, but it will be coming to a close sooner rather than later.  

I feel like maybe I've been going about this all wrong.  I come up with these grand plans, and when I don't do 100%, I quit.  I'm an all-or-nothing gal when it comes to weight loss, and I know that I can't think that way.  I tend to think that if I'm not doing everything at once like "I'm supposed to be," then it's not good enough, and it will never work.

But how will I know it won't work if I don't try?  

I've heard time and time again that many people are successful with making small changes.  And even though it won't get me to my goal weight as fast as I'd like, I'd like to think that it would get me further than everything I've tried in the past year.

Weight loss also doesn't just happen with some physical changes (working out and eating less).  It also needs to go from the inside out.  My goal with this blog was to work on myself, from the inside out.  I've been focusing so much on the outside, that I feel I've gotten away from the core of myself.  I need to reign myself back in and focus more on balance, which is something I've touched on in the past few weeks.

From this day on, this blog will not just be about weight loss.  It will be about my journey to find myself, and to truly finding my inner butterfly - something I have neglected, even though it's one of the most imperative parts of losing weight.

I may not see the changes I want in the least amount of time, but I know that I will be better off for it in the long run.  It's time to shed my cocoon.  It's time to find my butterfly.


  1. i know that with myself, if i set lofty goals, and fail (even partially), then i am so muchmore disappointed. if i set guidelines for myself, i am way better. i think it's better to have run a 5K and gained weight than to not be able to run a 5K, so that is definitely something to be proud of! you are doing great, and seem to have a great attitude, so yay for you!!!
    ps, we found you via the mn blogger's site...if you ever want a minneapolis running partner, let us know!! =)

    1. Thanks, and I agree with you. I really need to focus on the small things, rather than only the whole picture.

      Awesome! It's great to find other Minnesota bloggers!

  2. Great entry, even though you may not be where you thought you'd be at this point. You have done SO much. I agree with two birds, you are doing great. It's all about the attitude is right, and you have a wonderful attitude. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thanks, hon. It's certainly hard to see the things I've accomplished when I don't see the numbers I want on the scale, or see the changes I want in my body. But you're right - just gotta stay focused on what I HAVE done!

  3. Hi have good days and bad days in the past hlf yr..I think you should proud of what you achieved and work towards what you did not..its nice you are working on finding your inner self it will definitely help in your fitness journey :)
    keep working..keep moving forward

    1. Thank you for the support! As Dory would say...Just. Keep. Swimming!

  4. to be able to run a 5k is amazing. Sometimes we have good and bad days, so weight tends to fluctuate. Weight truly is just a number. I stopped weighing myself regularly a year ago and I've never felt better, it's about how fit you are, not about how much you weigh. You probably gained muscle on it! when I was 13 I was about 180 pounds and it took a lot to lose that weight, I wasn't constantly working out, there were periods where I stopped, but the pounds didn't fly back on. Recently I've started working out and I'd say I'm about 140 now.

    What work outs are you doing now?
