Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I'm so terrible at blogging lately.  Seriously.  I need to come up with a better solution to my blogging problems.  Like actually formally come up with posts, rather than winging it and just writing about whatever is on my mind and being all over the place (like this post).

I'm hoping that my new Catch All Notebook (or CAN) will help in that department.  I mentioned in my last post that I'm reading through the Change Your Life Challenge.  One of the first toolbox items is creating a "Catch-all" notebook - a little notebook you take everywhere with you, and you write down things you think of throughout the day (grocery lists, books you want to read, sites you want to visit, to-do lists, etc.).

Um, why didn't I think of this before?  I was always looking for scrap pieces of paper, and had tons of post-it notes floating around in my purse with to-do lists and workout ideas.  Then I'd end up forgetting and losing everything.  Not a good system.  I've been using this notebook for the past couple days, and it is amazing.  You should try it!!

Speaking of workout ideas - I really need to get back on the exercise wagon.  I'm still thinking up my "small steps" program, and that will certainly be part of it.  I'll admit, it's going to be really hard trying to tone it down and go slow, rather than gung-ho "I'm doing an intense 8-week program to lose 10 pounds!!" like I normally do.  This should be interesting.

That's all for now folks.  Make it a great one!

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