Thank you to those of you who commented on my last post. It was a little hard putting those "current" pictures up. BUT ya gotta face the music.
Earlier this week I visited the book store (remember I'm on vacation all week - this is the first time in my life I've ever been sad that the end of the week is getting closer). I love the bookstore. I could sit in there for hours. Just something about getting a yummy cold coffee drink, smelling the coffee/books, and sitting down in the cafe to read, is so rejuvenating and relaxing. I started this habit when I was in college - the bookstore was my study area. Who goes to the campus library?? I certainly didn't.
Typically when I go to the bookstore, I'm on the hunt for a certain "theme" of books. This week's theme? Getting over being dumped, and how to make a comeback. There weren't really any books that I fancied, but one in particular did catch my eye, which I did end up buying. It really goes along with my "inner butterfly"-themed post I wrote yesterday.
The Change Your Life Challenge by Brook Noel. I've gotten through the introduction piece and have started the first part of the book, and I'm loving it so far.
Breaking up sucks. It's even harder when your self-esteem is as low as mine. I find myself sitting alone most of the time, wishing I was doing something. Wishing I had more friends (all of them are married/with kids/in a serious relationship). It's not fun being alone. But I don't want to go back to him. I'm hoping this book will kind of guide me through that area of my life as well. What I like about this book is that it doesn't just focus on one area of your life. Brook gives you the tools you need to work on any area of your life where you're feeling out of balance.
Like I said, I'm not too far into it yet, but I hope to share more of what I'm learning as time goes on. This next stage of my life is looking pretty good.
Now if I could just stop checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if he called. :(
As Bethenny Frankel would so kindly say - I need to get a hobby!
That sounds SO relaxing! Coffee and a book = bliss. HOpe you had a great week!