Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Weigh-In/Selfie Wednesday

Morning everyone!  Today is weigh-in Wednesday, and I've also decided to add a little something to my Wednesday morning tradition.  Starting this week, I'm going to start taking a "selfie" before work every Wednesday morning.  I think it would be good to have pictures throughout my journey to track progress.  And since I'm so bad at taking pictures, I figured that creating weigh-in/selfie Wednesday would be a good thing to do.

First up, let's talk about that scale because that's all you care about.

So I lost 0.8 lbs.  Slowwwwly but surely I'm going down.  I'll be honest, though, and say that I wish it would move a little faster.  But I gotta be patient.

So yesterday I did week 3 day 1 of C25K.  I'll just say it wasn't GREAT, but it wasn't horrible either.  When I first started the workout, the running 90 seconds was a little tough.  I don't know if it was my brain that made the workout a little harder (because I was scared to run that 3 minutes) or what, but that 90 seconds could not end soon enough.  Then I walked 90 seconds, during which I tried to pump myself up.

"You can do this Heather."

"If the Biggest Loser contestants can run a 5K, you can certainly run 3 stinkin' minutes!"

And then it came.  My little app told me to "begin running."  So I did.  I started off slow.  Not too long in to it, my music stopped for a second, and I heard a beep.  Hm, that was weird.  But I kept running anyway.

And running.  And running.  And running.  Okay, I'm starting to really get worn out.  This feels a lot longer than three minutes.  But I tried my best to push those thoughts away.  I mean, those thoughts were to be expected, right?  Well then I ran some more, and more....okay WHEN am I going to start walking??  Am I on the wrong week????  So I slowed down and took off my arm band.

The workout was STOPPED!!!!  My mom had called and left a voicemail, so the app STOPPED!!!  At only about 12 seconds in to the 3 minute run!  I was PISSED!  And WTF was my mom calling me for?!?!?! She never calls at that time!!!  UGGGHHHH....I wanted to give up right there.  But I kept going.  I turned the app back on and started walking.

The next 90 second run wasn't so bad, but I was still a little tired from that ???? minute run.  Then I walked.  And tried to pep myself up again.  Surely this time it wouldn't be so bad.  I'm pretty sure I ran more than 3 minutes the last time.  This will be a piece of cake.

"Begin running."  And I did.  I tried to focus on the spring baseball training that was going on below me, and the boot camp class on the other half of the gym.  That worked for a while.  Then Pitbull, my main squeeze for my running workouts, started to annoy me.  Normally he pumps me up, but today he was getting on my nerves.  So I tried blocking him out.  This was a little tough.  My legs started burning.  I really wanted to stop.

"Just make it to the curve of the track, and you can stop."

So I made it to the curve.

"Begin walking."

Oh sweet baby Jesus, thank you!!!!!

I can totally understand now when everyone says that running is mental.  It really is.  I'm sure in the beginning, there's a lot of negative talk going on.  At least for me.  I'm hoping with time, I can replace that negativity with positive talk, and a feeling of being free.  That day will come.  But for now, I'm happy with saying that I made it through Day 1 of Week 3 of C25K.

And the selfies of the day....

Ugh, I hate my torso (short and wide - especially with the big boobs).  And this shirt does absolutely nothing for my figure.  I didn't realize how tough this selfie thing would be.  But, with time, it'll get easier (because I'll be skinnier!).  

That's it for today...make it a great one!

Oh and P.S.  If you're wondering what my mom wanted, it was NOT an emergency.  She called to tell me that the local news station was at my parents' store filming about how they're lowering the cap on walleyes on Lake Mille Lacs, and my brother would be on.  Ugh, seriously?  Sigh.


  1. I always want to do outfit of the day pics but i feel like i wear the same things over and over every few weeks so im kind of boring haha

    1. Yep, that will probably be me too. :) It's not that I don't have a lot of outfits - more like I feel like an oompa loompa in about 90% of them, so I rotate the same ones every week.

  2. you sound just like me when I tried starting c25k!! running is purely a mental workout. I am getting super nervous for if/when the snow melts and I can start up again. I havent ran in sooo long. I gotta get my ass in gear for July tho ;)

  3. I love seeing pictures. I hate taking them. When I try to do a selfie, I end up taking 48 pictures and looking like a creeper in 38 of them. Then my kids photo bomb some and the only decent shot ends up being the one with the dirty laundry in the background. I could find a million things wrong with every pic of me but truth is, I love seeing pics of other people, especially when they are not perfect because then I just feel like it's real and we are all in this together.
