Thursday, March 21, 2013


Has anyone else felt like they were stuck?  I'm not talking about weight loss here, I'm talking about life in general.  I've been thinking about it a lot this morning.  Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today - who knows.  But I feel stuck.  Every morning I force myself to get out of bed to go to work.  I'm not happy with my job, and often think that I picked the wrong career path.  Going to college was rough.  I let my decisions be swayed by my parents.  What did I really want to do?  I wanted to be an English major, or major in Dietetics to become a Dietitian.  But my parents crushed that dream fast, saying that "they don't make enough money."  So I chose business - because I would make a lot of money.

And now I hate it.  I hate sitting in a cube all day, looking at the screen.  I hate answering phone calls and answering questions that people should know (had they read the materials that were sent to them).  I hate that I have so much more potential than my manager realizes, and I'm bored every single day.  Yes, we do need to listen to our parents.  But when you're looking at something that you're going to spend the majority of your life doing?  You should probably go with your gut instinct, or something you're passionate about.  Otherwise life is going to be miserable.  And that's what it has been for me.  I know it's not "too late" to change careers.  But I know that, if I do, it means going to school again.  It means tacking more debt on top of my other school loans that I'm paying off.  It means starting at the bottom again, and probably getting paid a lot less than what I'm getting paid now.  Like at least $10,000 a year less.  Because I'll be starting at the bottom - an "entry-level" employee.

But is it worth it?  To go through all that, so I can be happy?  Or do I continue with dreading going to work every day?  Do I continue feeling empty and bitter?  This is not me.  The person I have become is not who I was.  I've become crabbier and more disconnected from life.  I hate that I let what others thought I should do dictate my decisions.  Who cares if my parents think I need to make more money?  It's not their life.  Yes, they can have an opinion.  But that doesn't mean I have to follow what they say.  I'm not angry with them.  I'm angry at myself.

What do you do when you're 27, and you have no idea what you want to do with your life?  When you feel stuck, with no way out?


  1. I feel like we were sold a false bill of goods, too, when it comes to school. Everyone said, "Just get a degree--doesn't matter in what, as long as you a four-year degree, you'll be fine." Well, that doesn't get you really far. I got a liberal arts degree and I am damn lucky I wandered into the technology field before the recession hit, because is there anything more useless these days? I suggest you look into certifications. It might be an easier, cheaper, and faster way for you to branch into another career. Depending on the field you're working in, you might be able to transition your current experience into another role, within the same industry or company. I feel like sometimes I'm just a few technical skills away from a major career transition. By the way, I hate my job, too. Applying for a new job today! :-O

  2. It's as if I wrote this post myself. I'm in the same boat as you and I have been on the hunt and following my passion, even it means less money going into my bank account. Money won't make me happy, waking up every day doing what I love will. Remember that and don't be afraid to take the leap. :)

  3. You are speaking my story. I sit at my job and wonder why is it that those with a high school diploma make more than I do? Where did I go wrong? What is it that I want next. I guess Im just stuck here until I figure that out. As for you take a chance honey, you dont have kids right? Go for it follow whatever your heart desires.
