Thursday, October 16, 2014

Moving Forward – Part 4

Today I’m moving on to part 4 of my “Moving Forward” series, or this thing will never get done…ha!

I’ll be honest in that I’ve been avoiding this part, because I don’t know what in the actual f*ck I’m supposed to be doing when it comes to my eating.  Of course the cliché thing to say would be to “do what’s best for ME”…..well, um….I don’t know what’s best for me.  That’s the point.  I just don’t know if I can ever be that clean eater, or that flexible dieter, or that everything in moderation girl….the list goes on.  I have no idea what’s best for me, because the 6543543554351 things I’ve tried (but not really tried) have not worked.  That’s why I’m here.  That’s why I’m in the place I’m in right now, being my highest weight ever.

So, to be honest with you, I don’t really have a plan when it comes to eating.  I’m going to take it one day at a time.  For now, I’ll be making a plan for the week of what my meals will be.  Some will be healthy, some not-so-healthy, but for now…..I want to try to stick to a weekly plan.  Every week, I’m going to be posting my food and exercise “diary” to the blog.  I’m thinking Sundays would be a good day to do that.  I know that no one reads blogs on Sundays, but that’s what’s going to work best for ME. 

Of course, I’m not always the most consistent, so I may be doing those posts on Mondays or Tuesdays… all depends on when I can get on the laptop to put an actual post together.  And when I post those plans, it will be after the fact.  So the week will have already passed, and I’ll be going over what I ate, what I did for exercise vs. what my plan actually was.  So more of a summary of how I did, rather than planning for the week ahead.

This is mostly to hold myself accountable.  I’m hoping that, with time, one baby step will lead to another….and I’ll eventually find “what’s best for me.”  In the meantime, I hope you’ll stick it out with me while I figure that out.  And let me tell you….it’s going to be a bumpy ride.  But a fun one.    ;)

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