Friday, February 28, 2014

The Week In Review: Celebrity Edition

Well, hello there, and happy Friday!  I'm going to be starting a new tradition on this blog just for Fridays, which will now be solely dedicated to celebs and gossip!!  Because, really, who wants to read about anything serious?  Fridays should be reserved for fluffy and fun posts!  So let's get started....

"Biggest Loser" Winner Rachel On Today Show
Okay, this is primarily a weight loss blog, so I figured I'd start with this.  Remember Rachel?

Yeah, I never really touched on all the controversy surrounding this.  She looks absolutely too thin and frail here, but heck, if she's happy, then why not be happy for her? 

Well, recently she was on the Today Show...

She looks ten times better now.  Although she swears that she lost all that weight the healthy way, after seeing how healthy she looks now, it really makes me question the validity of that claim.

Kate Hudson
I saw a picture of Kate Hudson today.  

Uh....what happened to her face??  She looks so.....unnatural?  What do you think?

Oh, Juan Pablo, Too Bad You're Such a Jerk
Everyone has heard about the latest Bachelor by now....and unfortunately, not in a good way.  We all had such high hopes.  A gorgeous Latino, with an adorable daughter, who (from the outside) looks to be a daddy's girl.  Oh how wrong we were.  Read this epic post from for this week's recap. wrote a review of Tuesday
No, Juan, I will not accept this rose.

It's About Time
Mila and Ashton are engaged.  I just love their story, and they're such an adorable couple.  I can't believe it took them this long to get together.  Bye-bye Demi.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are reportedly engaged!

And just a few more quick gossip bits....
  • Robin Thicke wants Paula back.  Don't do it Robin - run for your life!
  • Katy Perry broke up with John Mayer.  She apparently found texts from another girl on his phone. (They of course deny this, saying it's their tour schedules.  Sure.)
  • And last but not least....the Oscars are this Sunday!!!!  Oh I love Oscar season.  Fun fact: I had a blog when I was younger as well (a diary of sorts), and one of my layouts was Oscar-themed.  It was quite creative if you ask me.   ;)
That's it - have a great weekend, and enjoy the Oscars!!

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1 comment:

  1. I love this! I'm so out of the loop with celebrity gossip! I had no idea Ashton and mails were together - how great is that!? I was at the Biggest Loser Finale and wish I would have seen the Today show interview. She looks a million times better in that photo!
