Let's Talk About Planning
Today I want to talk about planning. Experts, and pretty much anyone who has lost weight, will agree that planning is key to weight loss.
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
We've all heard that one a million times. But what about those of us who are the masters at planning, and just really suck at following that plan? That would be me. I have to admit, I've come up with some pretty awesome plans to lose weight. Heck, I could probably make a good living out of selling my plans to people who want to lose weight.
"But, Heather, you haven't lost any weight," you say.
This is true. Because I suck at following through. I hate coming on the blog with a new "plan", because I always know it will eventually fail.
"If you want it bad enough, you'll do it."
Well, this is true to an extent. I do really want to lose weight. So so bad. I'm so tired of not fitting in to any of my clothes. I'm so tired of having a closet full of clothes, to only be wearing the 5 same (ugly) outfits every week, because I hate how I look.
So what's the solution? Stop planning? No. I do even worse when I don't plan something out.
All I can say is....
Just. Keep. Swimming.
I may not be the greatest at following my plans, but one thing that has come out of this is that I'm starting to develop the habit of meal planning. If you just keep going, just keep trying, even if you're not perfect at it, it will eventually become a habit. And through time, you'll learn how to tweak things to make meals healthier, or easier. I can't tell you how many weeks went by that I wasted hundreds of dollars because I bought all the groceries for meals I had planned for the week, and only followed the plan one or two days out of the week - because I went out to eat for lunch, or I was too tired at night to make what I had planned for dinner.
But I kept going. I didn't stop. I'm not perfect at it, and sometimes I do slip up, but the habit has been formed. And I can't imagine doing it any other way.
The next step? To make exercise a habit. Eventually, all the stars will align. Okay, I'm being a little dramatic here. But just hear me out. Eventually....the meal planning will be second nature, the exercise will have become a habit, and the weight will start coming off.
So what if I've made hundreds of plans in the process? Eventually I'll find "that plan" that works just right for me. Until then, look forward to all my crazy planning posts. :) I'm sure there will be lots more to come.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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