Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Return of Weigh-In Wednesday & Being SMART

Happy Hump Day!  Considering what my weight was this morning, not too sure I would call this day "happy," but I'll just fake it 'til I make it.    ;)

Today is the return of Weigh In Wednesday.  I need the accountability.  I can't keep coming up with the excuse of "Oh, I'm just gaining weight because I'm exercising, and my muscles are just getting used to it."  Nope.  That may have been the case the first couple weeks.  But it's been more than a month now, and I have been gaining.  I'm almost up to my highest weight - not good!  So here it is....

Sigh.  It's a little embarrassing to put this out there.  Especially since I feel like I should have lost weight, considering how I rocked the working out.  I seem to do well with eating for a few days, but then I get off track.

So what's a girl to do?  Make some goals.  SMART goals.

I know all of us know what SMART goals are, so I'm not going to bore you with the lesson.  I'm just going to jump right in to my long- and short-term goals.  

My Long-Term Goal

Short-Term Goals

And, of course, what's weight loss without some rewards for all your hard work??

I like that these goals give me an actual number and date to work for.  Rather than saying I want to weigh XXX amount of pounds, and not giving myself a deadline or ways to get there.  Now the writing's on the wall.  Now my embarrassing weigh-in post is over.  Whew!


  1. It can be hard putting that number out there I recently did the same things and it felt ok afterwards like now I have the accountability! You can totally do this!!!I love your rewards.

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself. Setting goals is a smart thing to do especially reasonable ones. Hang in there girl. I know its hard to share your actual number of your weight but its also helpful for me too.

  3. It is a pain seeing numbers go up definitely! But you are handling it great with responding in making goals. I saw the SMART goals on Coffee Cake & Cardio yesterday and thought it was an awesome concept.
    My weight has been fluctuating SO much lately and it is crazy.I am hovering around 165 basically. Which for me, i have realized weight is so strange for me because last year when I was consistantly on the right track and in "really good shape" i went down 2 pants sizes and was just obviously more fit and I weighed 159-162ish and thats not even that far off and i feel squishy right now haha. Okay rant over (sorry) - point being you will get there!! It seems like youre on the right track!

    1. Yep, Coffee Cake & Cardio is actually where I got the idea from, ha! :)

      And I relate with you on the "weight is so strange" thing, because I found the same thing, that sometimes I feel one way at this weight, and other times when I was this weight, I felt completely different.

      Thanks for the support!
