Monday, February 11, 2013

Challenging Week Ahead

Hello hello!  Another weekend has flown by, and Monday is here again.  This week is going to prove to be particularly challenging for me.  More on that in a minute.

This weekend went pretty well.  I started my second rotation from the Xtrain series - the 30 Day Cardio/Weights Rotation.  I'm hoping that with more cardio, I should be able to start losing weight again.  I'm also thinking I really need to drink more water, so I'm trying to think up some ways to help myself get more water in.  Honestly, I could go days without water.  I'm that bad.  I just don't drink it.  And none of that "flavored" crap works either.  I don't like the taste.  I like sugary water, AKA soda.  I'm going to need to deal with that pronto.

My eats this weekend  They're never great on the weekends.  I'm bad at it when there's no routine.  And speaking of will be a'changing this week.  My parents are going to Arizona tomorrow, and I need to dog-sit.  They live about 30 minutes away from me, and about 45 minutes away from work.    :(     The good news is, I made a meal plan, and my mom got all the groceries for me.  So I'm set for the week (I just have to cook everything).  I also plan on packing ALL of my workout equipment.

That's right.  My step w/ risers, ball, exercise band, paper plates, heart rate monitor, DVD's, weighted gloves, and all my sets of weights (1, 3, 5, 8, and 10 pounds) will be packed up in my car tonight, ready to bring over there tomorrow.  That's a lot of stuff to pack (and HEAVY stuff).  I'm not looking forward to being away from the boyfriend, or my cat (the boyfriend will be watching Ricky).  Especially for Valentine's week.  I'm thinking I won't go over to my parents' on Thursday, because I want to be with the boyfriend then.  My brother can take care of the stupid dog one night (especially since he only lives a few miles did that happen?).

Another plus?  My parents have a hot tub....there will be plenty of hot tub nights going on for me.    :)


  1. HOT TUB!!!! Yaaay! Look at you packing all your work out stuff You go girl!.. So how did you get roped into dog sitting when your brother is closer? LOL Sounds like my family! Have a great week!

    1. Ha, thanks! Well, my brother has kids and they're both in all kinds of activities, so he's busy all the time. It's not so bad seeing as I got some gas money and free groceries for the week! :)

  2. The best part is definitely the hot tub! Good luck staying on a schedule this week! Also, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! More about it on my blog!

    1. Thanks so much for the nomination!! I promise I'll get to answering your questions eventually! :) Love reading your blog every day, by the way. :)
