First things first. So remember yesterday when I stepped on the scale? 156.1 was the number staring back at me. Today? It was 151.9.
What the WHAT?!?!?! Now I know there's no way I lost 4.2 pounds in a day. So I stepped on it again. Same thing. I turned the scale a different direction. Same thing. And I turned it in another direction. Same thing. I pounded on it a little with my foot, stepped on it again and....same thing.
Maybe it's time for a new scale?
Either way, I'm calling it a loss, and I entered it on the DietBet site. We're about halfway through this DietBet, and I'm 52% to my 4% goal. Maybe I'll actually get there!
I'm thinking, though, that I'll be making a trip to Target to pick up a new scale. This scale tends to change weight on me in mere seconds. I realize it could be the battery, but I'd rather get a new scale because I'm not liking this one anyway.
Moving on. I realize, after going back and reading through some posts, and also going through my food diary, that I've been going about this whole weight loss thing half-ass. If I'm working out, I'm still eating too much. If I don't work out, I still eat too much. Some days I give it 90% (like Mondays), other days I give it 40% (like weekends). I can't do that.
We all know that consistency is key when it comes to weight loss. Heck, I've written blog posts about it. Yet I still don't practice what I preach. Still I hope for some "miracle" to happen, or I hope that I'm some "exception to the rules." Now, I know I'm special and all that, but I'm not so special that my body can defy science.
I know I need to drink my water. Do I do it? Nope. I drink maybe 1 glass a day, if I remember. I know soda is not good for me. Do I drink it? Yup! Life is too short to not drink what you want!! But it will be even shorter if I keep drinking it. Do I let myself eat cheat meals? Yes. A lot of them. Why not? I'm working my butt off to burn those calories!
Get the drift? So while I've been honest here, I haven't been completely honest.
Enough babbling Heather...get to the good stuff!!

Okay, okay. So here's the food plan. You all know that I hate, absolutely hate counting calories. But we've all been told that counting calories is a huge help for people who want to lose weight. So I'm going to meet this thing halfway (no, not half-ass). It all comes down to planning my meals. I'm going to get a bunch of my favorite recipes together, and enter the recipes in to My Fitness Pal. I realize this may take a while, but I've already started, and it's not so bad. Then? I made a chart in Excel where I'm going to plan my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks per day, every day. I'll enter it all in ahead of time, and I'll be putting the calorie amounts in parentheses. I'll be sure to get somewhere between 1200-1500 calories logged. After about a week of doing this, and tracking my exercise calories (more on that in a minute), I'll evaluate and see if I need to add in more, or decrease my calories (depending on how many calories I burn for a certain workout) to get a good deficit.
Exercise. Oh, exercise, how I've fallen in love with you in 2013. But then we grew apart. I want you back. Please take me back!!!
Okay, enough of that. I hit my goal of finishing a rotation of Xtrain. It was great. I was seeing my butt lift, my arms tighten, my stomach getting smaller, my legs were developing muscle again. But then I stopped. For the last two weeks, I haven't worked out. Maybe I'm getting tired of Xtrain? A new rotation is in order.

Enter Cathe's Cross Train Express (yes, another
Cathe series). You can read more about this series, and see lots of awesome videos,
here. I've had this DVD for a while now. I actually did this rotation for a couple weeks a couple summers ago, and had great results in only a couple weeks (and doing it half-ass). These are great workouts. They're high intensity, and they're short. I love that they're short (all 60 minutes or less). All of them are about 30 minutes or less of high intensity cardio, followed by weight training for the upper body. One workout is entirely focused on legs, and another has some leg circuits in the cardio. It's another 6-day rotation, and this is what it will look like. I'm thinking this will only be a 3-week rotation, as that seems to be my attention span. 3 weeks, and I want to move on to something else.
Saturday - Power Circuit / Back
Sunday - Step & Intervals / Chest
Monday - All Step / Shoulders
Tuesday - Leaner Legs (AKA Meaner Legs, hehe!)
Wednesday - 10-10-10 / Triceps
Thursday - Kickbox / Biceps
Well, there's my plan. There's some other details that go along with it, but rather than making this post even longer than it is, I'm just going to share with you as I go along. So stay tuned people!!
Oh! And 5K training is also starting this week. Stay tuned for more info! :)