Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stupid Weigh-In Wednesday

I am incredibly crabby and stressed out today, and I have no idea why.  I think it has something to do with that dreaded weigh-in day.  It completely put me in a sour mood - not a good way to start the day.  So what was I at last week?  Well I didn't really weigh myself in last week.  Looking through my past blog posts, I weighed in on Wednesday, November 7 at 150.  So what do I weigh today?



I know I haven't been the best eater, but I most certainly have improved my eating and cut back.  That should certainly count for something.  At least a few tenths of a pound each week at least.  But I'm GAINING.  I started this blog in August.  My initial weigh in on September 5 was 149.8.  So tell me...if I'm keeping track of everything I eat and eating LESS than I did before I started, HOW is this possible??  Mind you, it's not a lot less, but that should at least mean I should maintain or lose tiny bits.  I don't understand.

PLUS, I'm exercising MORE than I did.  Before I didn't exercise at all.  Now I do it at least once or twice a week.  Which again isn't much, but it's still MORE than what I was doing.

How is this possible??????  I'm so tired.  All I want to do is throw in the towel.  No, I haven't been perfect.  But I have been BETTER.

Sorry for the rant.  I just need to get this out before I explode.  This is not a good day to be at work.  I'm just pissed off and angry, and I'm sure everyone sees it.  *Sigh*


  1. Maybe it is less about how much you are eating and more about what you are eating. Try and cut back on (if not completely eliminate) processed foods. Up your intake of lean meats, fruits and vegetables and scale back on breads and pasta. I know that this can be so tough, but don't give up! You can totally do this!

    1. Thanks a bunch for your comment. :) I think you may be right...I definitely know I haven't been eating the healthiest. I've always heard of the calories in vs. calories out, but I also know that the type of calories matter too. I just love my carbs and soda....and I'm sure that's my problem!! :\

  2. Awww I'm sorry you're srtuggling right now! My suggestion is to cut out processed foods, lower your sodium, lower the carbs, and have a super strict no cheat week with lots of cardio. This always works for me! Sometimes I find losing weight comes in "mountains" too. IE Big Loss little gain Big loss little gain. It's happened to me for sure.Whatever you do don't throw in the towel! You CAN and you WILL get there!

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words! Some days I just have a bad attitude. But I most certainly will not quit!!
