Review of Week 1Last week I only got workouts in two days. But hey, I’m not complaining, because that’s more than what I’ve been doing for the last several months. High five for me!
Meals went pretty well. I had a few slip-ups once the weekend came around, but I do have to say, I really watched my portions, and only ate until I was full. I actually threw away quite a bit of food after a couple meals, so I was really excited that that happened. Each week, I kind of come up with a plan of what I’m going to eat for each meal. It was mostly the same all week. Once I got to Friday, though, I treated myself to some Culver’s for lunch. And it was oh so worth it!!
Breakfasts were Almond Butter Banana Protein Pie from Liz’s blog (recipe here).
Mid-Morning Snacks were Trader Joe’s White Cheddar Puffs, and half of a Clif KidZ Bar
Lunches were something I came up with – chicken sandwich on a ciabatta roll with whipped cream cheese, strawberries, and spinach. They were yum! I also had mixed fruit on the side.
Afternoon Snacks were the other half of the KidZ Bar and more mixed fruit.
Dinners were grilled hamburger patties on a lettuce “bun” with corn on the cob and small salad on the side.
I think I did pretty darn well!
Week 2
This week will be a little more tough on the workout front.
Party Rockin Step #1
Step Blast
TIU Biker Babes
TIU Love Your Booty Shorts
Drill Max Premix 1
Standing Leg Pyramid Lower Body + Burn Sets Premix 5 (Shoulders)
Burn Sets Premix 13 (Chest, Back, and Core)
Burn Sets Premix 2 (Biceps, Triceps, and Core)
TIU Love your Legs & Booty + Cross Train Xpress Upper Body Split Premix
Looks tough, I know. My body is already screaming at me. The weight workouts I’ve done so far are heavy weights, so my arms, chest, legs, and butt are on fire – which is a good thing!
On a completely unrelated note, here’s a picture of my hometown. This was from Sunday afternoon. On Monday, the water was over the sidewalk and creeping on to the street.
Hopefully it gets under control soon. A big 4th of July celebration is coming to town (it’s the oldest and largest celebration in the state). On the other side of that bridge is where we always watch the parade, and the small coffee shop that’s over there is completely under water! I feel terrible for them. But I believe it’s already crested, and the river is on its way down again!
That’s it for today – happy Hump Day!!
Great plan! The food sounds delicious and healthy! Hope the flooding has subsided.