Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Weigh In – 6/21/13

Mornin’ everybody.  It’s Friday again, and that means this crappy workweek is heading out the door.  Good riddance!!  Well, until next week.  Shoot. 

Anyway, this weekend I have a few plans.  Tomorrow I’m going to look at an apartment.  I’m moving (yet again), and good lord, it is turning out to be quite the search.  It seems no one has anything available for August.  My tour tomorrow is actually at the apartments I lived at a year ago.  I loved those apartments, and hated that I listened to the boy when he said he wanted to move.  Because the second we moved, he said he missed it.  Note to self: never listen to a man again.  Anyway, they have one apartment left.  And the girl worked her special powers to get me in at 11:00 – a half hour before someone else is going to look at it.  Score!

war horse 
Sunday I’ll be going to another play – War Horse.  I have no idea what it’s about.  All I know is there are horses.  Lots of horses.  I’ve heard the movie is fantastic – we’ll see how the play is.  Really I just wanted to score another *free* dinner and some theatre time. 


Okay, now on to what you’ve all been waiting for.  I have not been entirely consistent when it comes to workouts and my goals this week.  I worked out once so far this week (I still have the weekend….uh-huh).  But I have been consistently tracking my calories and attempting to stay under my calorie goal (1400).  Anyway, my current weight….


Last week I was at 157.2…..I will take it.  Slow and steady wins the race! 

That’s it for today – hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. .2 is a victory!!! Everytime you step on that scale and lose weight, CELEBRATE!! Hope you have a great weekend

  2. Congrats on the loss! 0.2 = loss :) good job!

  3. As long as you keep losing you keep winning!
