Thursday, May 23, 2013

Something's Got to Change & My Birthday

My blogging has been so sporadic lately.  I apologize for that!  It seems things keep coming up that require a lot of my attention - plus add extra stress in my life.  Hopefully things will start to slow down a bit.

With everything that's been going on my life, my diet and exercise have fallen to the wayside.  I hate this.  I hate that I struggle to stay on track.  I know what I have to do to lose weight, but I don't do it.  Something about loving carbs and chocolate, or something - I don't know.

I've been a poor planner, and that's one of the main reasons.  I just hate coming here every day, every week, complaining about the same things.  I always have awesome plans, and then fall off track within a week or so.  Or I do really well (C25K and the Cathe rotation I did in the beginning of the year), and then I stop.  And then I undo all my hard work.

The thing is, I can't stop running.  I still have 2 more 5K's this summer.  I haven't signed up for that 10K yet, but I'm thinking it's high time I do.  Or it will be too easy to just say "screw it" to those 5K's.

Here we are - the beginning of another summer - and I am not where I want to be.  Once again.  Every year I promise myself that I will finally be in bikini shape, but I never am.  I'm in the exact same place I started.

How do you do it??  How do you stay on track and stay motivated?  I always make plans, and then I don't follow through.  How do you follow through?

Something's got to change, or I'll be stuck here, hating my body, forever.


In other, more happy news, this will be my last post until probably Tuesday or Wednesday.  I'm heading up to the cabin tomorrow for Memorial Day weekend - my entire family will be up there, and my parents just put in their new pontoon.  And Sunday is my birthday!!!  Woo-hoo!  

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!  Make it a great one!


  1. happy early birthday girl!

    Keep a planner with you at all times, write down what you eat, and reward yourself. Keep a journal of those rewards so you can look at it when you are attempting to make other plans or not exercise.

    That's all I've got. Good luck!

  2. Happy Birthday, Heather! Please enjoy yourself this weekend and don't stress!

    I'm a planner (but I never used to be!), I know what I am going to eat (and do for workouts) for the entire week. When I don't know, or even have a day of not knowing I get stressed out. And when I make bad decisions I feel even worse :( It's hard work every week to figure it out. However, when I don't do that, I feel completely out of control and I hate that feeling even worse. I'm also a HUGE tracker - I track everything on MFP.

    Good luck and you will get there!
