I'm here! I know I haven't been around - I was at the cabin for Memorial Day weekend, and it was LOVELY! The weather may not have been the best (it was a bit cold), but I still had fun. More on that to come later. But first.....
Operation Red Bikini has come to an end. It seems like just yesterday I was signing up for this, and looking forward to this day. I was hoping to be on my way to my goal weight, and also hoping to fit in to this:

I ordered a size medium, in black, from Forever 21. I did order the dress, and it's hanging on my bedroom door. Where it will more than likely be staying for a while. I couldn't even get it up over my hips, and honestly haven't tried since. Because, well, I haven't done very well when it comes to my goals. Womp womp.
I have to say, though, that I am proud of myself for sticking to it. In the past, I've abandoned my blogs and just quit. I'd quit for about a year or so, until I realized I had gained even more weight, and wanted to change. I'm not going down that route again. If this challenge has done anything for me, it has kept me going. The end of this challenge is not the end of my journey. Not even close.
Starting June 1 (tomorrow, eek!) is my summer shape-up plan. I was hoping that this would be the summer I'd be wearing a bikini. Sure, it may happen, but it probably won't be until August. And it probably won't be a very pretty sight. But I'm still going to work toward that.
I'll be doing a #kickassjune 30-day challenge (Sisterhood #kickassapril challenge - I just changed the month). This is what it looks like....
(I cropped this picture from the Sisterhood site so I could cut out "April")
On top of that, I'll be doing a 30 day plank challenge....
(Again, cropped to cut out April - I don't remember where I got this)
I'll also be continuing my running and adding some strength training in. I'm not going to post all the details yet. Starting Sunday night, I'll be posting my weekly plans - workouts and food.
And if that weren't enough? #NoSodaSummer! Head on over to Freckleberry Fit if you want to join in on the fun! No soda, June 1 - August 31. This is going to be a toughie. I am absolutely addicted to soda - Orange being my new crack of choice, followed very closely by Mountain Dew.
But I CAN DO IT! Leigh Ann's post today lit a fire in me. I love how she continually creates challenges for herself to help her stay on track. She is a constant source of motivation. You NEED to check out her post today - girl looks awesome in that red bikini!!
So there we have it. I WILL be blogging more, and some new things will be added as well. Happy Friday, and make it a great one!!