Tuesday, April 2, 2013

NOT Better n' Peanut Butter

Hello everybody - it's Tuesday, and that means it's time for the weekly link-up with Katie and Kim.


I told you a while back that, starting April 1, a new class would be offered at the gym I go to - R.I.P.P.E.D. And to be 100% honest?  It wasn't as great as it was hyped up to be.  Yes, it was tough, and I sweat a LOT.  But athletic-based workouts just are not my cup of tea.  I'm a dancer, so I LOVE the dance-y step classes.  And I have found my favorite step instructor EVER at this gym (her classes are on Wednesdays and Saturdays).  But this RIPPED class focuses on resistance training, intervals, plyometrics, power, endurance, and diet.  There's a lot of variety, and it would be great if the athletic-type workouts were my style.  But sadly they're not.  And my knees were killing me during the plyometrics.  I'm thinking that combining this with running and step would not be a good idea.  Way too much high impact.  So, sadly, that was my first and probably last class.  But if you prefer those high energy and athletic workouts, this class is for you, and you should definitely give it a try!

The rest of this week will be pretty much the same as any other week.  I'll be doing the 4th week over again for C25K.  I may just start with day 2, do day 3 on Thursday, and start week 5 on Sunday.  We'll see how this running for 5 minutes goes.  Here's the plan for the week (still trying to figure out what to do for strength training - not sure I want to continue with the BodyPump).

M - Core Fit + RIPPED
T - C25K
W - Core Fit + Turbo Step
Th - C25K (and maybe BodyPump)
F - Off
Sa - Turbo Step
Su - C25K


Yesterday I did my grocery shopping for the week, and I remembered that I was out of peanut butter.  I normally go grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, and I LOVE their peanut butter, but last night I was at Super Target.  I was in the aisle with the peanut butter, and noticed Better 'N Peanut Butter.  I had heard lots of people on IG and blogland talking about it, so thought I'd give it a try.  It has less calories and fat than natural, so why not?

That shit was NASTY!!!  Blech...never again!  I'll stick to my main squeeze, natural Trader Joe's PB.  Give me the extra fat and calories, as long as it doesn't taste like butt hole!

That's it for today, folks!  Make it a great one!


  1. LOL!! I got to the Better 'n Peanut Butter and I got a little excited!! I thought, "OH, here's an honest review - maybe I'll get some!!" Then whammo! Your honest opinion and it made me LOL!! Thanks for sharing an saving me the $ I would have spent on trying it! I'll stick to the "good" stuff, too - PS: WISH we had TJ's near us, boo hoo!! And great job on your workout week!!

    1. Sheesh, just read the title of your post - guess I missed that part when I started, ha!

  2. What are plyometrics? I'm so not gym oriented. I go to my gym for the treadmills and ellipticals and some other machines I have no idea what they are called, but mostly the treadmill. Stopping by from Katie and Kim's link up today!

    1. Plyometrics is basically jump training - it helps build power and speed. For example, instead of doing a regular lunge, you would jump in to a lunge; or for squats, you would do jump squats, etc. It's actually really good for thinning out the thighs. I did a lot of it with Cathe Friedrich's videos and saw some great results! But it can be pretty hard on your knees, as it's high impact. And I'd do it with a trainer before trying it out on your own so you don't injure yourself. It's hard!!

  3. I love Traders Joe's Peanut Butter also!! And I will make sure I never try that other stuff, lol!!

    Hope you have a great week!!

    @ Notions from Nonny
    Stopping by from KTJ Weighing In

    1. Thanks for stopping by! And yes, TJ's is the best. :)

  4. Hahaha! I was about to go hm!! Sounds good! But then of course,no thanks to butthole ! Lmao
    I wish we had a traderjoes nearby! I always hear great things.

    1. LOL, yes, please save your money. It is NOT all it's cracked up to be, as I've seen here in blogland and on IG.

  5. I envy your dance ability. I have 2 left feet and don't know if I could keep up with a dance type class! You are doing so great. Thank you for linking up and sharing!
