Friday, August 10, 2012

Mountain Dew...And All That Jazz

Eat, Live, Dance, and Repeat.  My new blog.  I'm Heather, and I've been an on-again, off-again blogger for a few years.  I like to write, but I never have much time (or the internet) to do it.  It's time to change that.  I'm going to make time, and now I have an internet connection at home, so I have all the access I want.

So why this blog?  I've always been one to constantly try to improve myself.  Not that there's anything wrong with me (pfft, I'm damn near perfect), but I believe that one should always work on creating a better version of themselves.  The one big aspect that really needs some work is my weight.  I've been on a constant struggle with my body since I started college.  All those Mountain Dews I was chug-a-lugging in high school really didn't do anything to me because I was dancing a billion hours a day (I'm a dancer, hence the "Dance" in the title - no, not that kind of dancer, perverts).  I could eat whatever the hell I wanted when I wanted.  A quadruple-sized fry for a snack?  Sure.  15 billion liters of Mountain Dew?  Bring on the diabetes - I'm still skinny, bitches!  A whopper for breakfast?  Bring. It. On!!  Okay, maybe not for breakfast, but you get the picture.  I ate a lot of shit, and threw a few veggies in there now and then for good measure.  And being from Minnesota, our dinners were generally of the meat and potato type (see, I told you the veggies were thrown in there............what? Potatoes are a starchy veggie).

I love food, but sadly the dancing stopped for a few years once I entered college.  But not the food.  Oh hell no...I was in college now.  I could eat my diabetes in a bowl cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  I could eat my scary science experiment mac n cheese in a blue box every day without someone giving me the stink eye.  And Mountain Dew.....mmmmmm, Mountain Dew.  I could take that stuff, rub it all over me, and swim in a pool of mountain dew.  I bet I could even breathe under a pool of mountain was like my life line (don't you all want a Mountain Dew now?  You're welcome.).

Okay, but you get the point.  All that food + no exercise = one lumpy Heather.  It's not pretty, and with my (boring and un-motivating) desk job, it's even harder to stay on track.  I'm 5'1", 27 years old, and weigh 148 pounds.  And my boobs are the size of Texas.....yes, they're real.  I really don't think I'm terribly disgusting, but my boobs make me look like a beached whale.  If losing this weight doesn't change that, I'm thinking of getting a breast reduction.

But I digress.  I've gotten off-topic.  This blog is not only going to help me in my journey to lose weight, but I want it to help me become a more organized person.  My apartment is a mess y'all (yes, I'm Minnesotan and just said y'all).  I have no sense of organization or cleanliness, and I spend hundreds of dollars a month on food that eventually gets thrown away every month.  All this is because I don't organize and plan my meals.  And I'm really bad at finding recipes with the same types of ingredients, so when I do go to the grocery store, my eyes pop out of my skull when I see the bill is almost $200.  For the week.  For two people.  Yeah.

So there you have it.  This is my blog, and I plan on using it to create a better Heather.  And to pretend I'm famous among the 0 people that read this.   :)

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