Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Confession Wednesday

It’s confession time.  Because I haven’t blogged in over a week.  And I gotta get these confessions out there.  Time to be real!!

1.)  I didn’t exercise at all last week.  Or yet this week.  I do plan on starting where I left off a week and a half ago….just gotta get the motivation to do it.  Why can’t I be a normal person and just do something and see it through for once in my life??

2.)  I’m thinking of starting to run again.  But I haven’t run in about 2 years.  I can’t believe it was 2 years ago already that I ran my first (ahem, and only) 5K.  I had such grand plans to keep running and even run a 1/2 marathon.  But none of that happened.  I just stopped after I ran the 5K.  I think I need to find more than one race to sign up for and stick with it.  But I’m afraid of failure and afraid I’ll just stop again.  *Sigh*

3.)  I hate Quest Bars.  I know.  Bloggers all over the world will hate me for saying that.  But I just don’t get all the hype.  Put them in the microwave, and they’ll taste just like a cookie, you say?  No, it has the same taste that all protein bars/powders have, with a terrible aftertaste.  And if after 2 minutes you don’t stuff it down your throat, it turns hard as a rock.  Yuck.  Their chips are disgusting too.  I made the bad choice to buy about 5 bags of them for snacks one week.  I had 2 chips out of that first bag and proceeded to throw that bag and the 4 other bags in the garbage.  Lesson?  Try before you buy a million bags.

4.)  My eating has really sucked.  I do good for 1 or 2 days, then go completely off plan.  I’m starting to think I’m never going to lose weight because I’m, like, pretty much addicted to food.  Good food.  Not lettuce, or vegetables, or fruit.  Carbs.  Give me all the carbs.

5.)  Next Tuesday is my birthday.  My 30th birthday.  Cue the violin music……….   :’(         That is all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


The crickets sure do chirp around here…….

But yes, I’m still here and going at it with my Circuit City rotation.  I’m on week 2 of the rotation.  I didn’t do the workout yesterday, so I’ll be doing yesterday’s workout today….Imax 2.  I think this is one of Cathe’s toughest pure step workouts.  It’s all cardio intervals, and I don’t think I’ve ever been able to get through the entire thing.  So I’ll be taking lots of breaks and pausing it quite a bit I’m sure.    :)

I’ve been doing pretty well on the fitness front, but eating not so much.  The eating part has always been the toughest for me.  I’m an emotional eater, and more than anything, a boredom eater.  I tend to do really well during the day, and get bored when I’m at home doing nothing at night.   :(    Or on the weekends.  I really need to find some hobbies, obviously.

I’ve started tracking again on My Fitness Pal.  It’s been a little sporadic the last week, but I’m working on it.  I definitely want to make sure I’m sticking to my calorie goals.  Right now I’m aiming for about 1400-1500 calories per day (sometimes more if I’m really hungry), seeing as I’m trying to walk at least twice a day (sometimes more), plus doing a pretty vigorous workout after work.  Sticking to a 1200 calorie diet has never been for me.  I’m way too hungry/tired/crabby if I stick to only 1200 per day.  And where will I go if I hit a plateau?  Most certainly not below that calorie level.

I haven’t weighed myself.  Mainly because I’m pretty sure I haven’t lost anything.  I have been bingeing (I never know how to spell that stupid word) too much on the weekends that I think any progress made during the week goes down the drain on the weekends.  So weekends, like I said earlier, are something I’m really going to try to focus on in the next couple of weeks.  I’m going to measure myself sometime this week though.  I do feel like I’ve lost inches, and that has really kept me motivated.  So I’ll share that once I get that done.

So there’s my little update.  I know I always say I’ll post more, but that never happens.  As long as I keep coming back, right?  Baby steps….