Friday, April 24, 2015

TGIF – April 24

Happy Friday!  I thought I’d use Fridays to have a little fun on the blog and catch up on my fav shows that I watch (titles will always be TGIF….doesn’t everyone remember the most epic night of television back in the 90s??  Where TGIF originally came from?).  Gosh I miss those TGIF shows.  And don’t even get me started on Fuller House coming out in 2016…..I predict I will binge the entire show in one sitting, and be begging for more!  Because who doesn’t love Full House??

Anyway, I thought I’d use this first TGIF post to quickly go over the shows that I do watch.  I don’t have cable, so the majority of the shows I watch are usually watched the day after they air.  I do watch Scandal, and unfortunately I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet, because I can’t watch it until tonight on Hulu.

So let’s get started.  Right now I’m not watching a ton of shows.  And some I’m watching on Netflix – usually binge-watching a couple episodes per night.


I’m so sad that this show is going away.  I absolutely love it, regardless of the “critics” out there.  Emily/Amanda is amazing, and I sure wish I could take revenge like her on those that I feel the need to take revenge on.  This past week’s episode ended with Victoria, sitting in a chair (which she claimed had importance to her), spilling gasoline everywhere in the Grayson (now Amanda’s) mansion and igniting her lighter.  The mansion exploded, and the screen went to black.

WOW.  I did NOT see that coming.  I had no idea what significance the chair had, and I was so confused when the truck driver opened the back to reveal the chair.  Were there some kind of secret documents inside the chair?  I had no idea what it meant.  And the ending really did shock me.  I can’t wait to see what comes of it next week.  But I really hope it doesn’t fuel Margot to continue the feud.  Because, geez, when is Amanda going to catch a break??

Scandal is another one I watch, but like I said, I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet.  I do have to say, though, that this season has really been a downer for me.  I wasn’t liking the whole storyline of Olivia being captured and held prisoner.  They need to get back to the show’s roots and the actual “scandal”….let’s see more sex with the president!  Ha, just kidding.  Sort of.

DD4L!  I’m a dancer, so I obviously love this show.  I had to actually purchase the current season on Vudu, because it’s not available on Netflix.  I binged on the first two seasons on the Lifetime channel on my Roku (they were free).  Once I found out there was a Season 3, and it was currently airing, I just had to have more.  These girls have some serious attitude, and their dancing is on point.  Technique-wise, not so much, but I just love watching.  I kind of feel like the “drama” is a little forced and scripted to make it more interesting, but the dancing makes up for it.  I particularly love the stand battles!

The show I’m currently bingeing on on Netflix is Gossip Girl.  I’m still only in the first season.  I can’t believe I haven’t started watching sooner!!  The beginning was a little hard to get into, but it’s getting more and more interesting with each episode.  I’ll have more to write about as time goes on….

Some other shows I love, but there currently out of season…..Pretty Little Liars, How to Get Away with Murder, and Big Brother (can’t wait for this to start….it’s the thing I look most forward to every summer, and I even buy the online feeds).

Anyone else have any shows they love, that are currently airing?  Obviously I don’t watch much TV, mainly just binge on Netflix.  I need more shows to watch that are current!!

Anyway, it’s the weekend, and I’m super excited to not have to work tomorrow.   :D    Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Circuit City

I am so so terrible at blogging.  That has obviously not changed since I came back to the blogging world!  I’m going to work on creating some type of schedule (kind of like my “stop eating the entire house after work and create a schedule” routine I came up with a few posts ago) so that I kick out more blog posts more consistently.

Anyhoo…part of the reason I didn’t want to blog is because I’m doing something terribly embarrassing.  Something I promised you guys I would not do.  Seriously I feel like I’m letting the world down when I do this, and I’m so embarrassed to admit it.  But if I want to blog more consistently, I obviously need to be honest, right?

I quit the Bikini Series.  I know.  After only, what?….a week and a half?  Well, I’ll still kind of be doing it.  I’ll be getting in a few booty calls (morning workouts) here and there, and those workouts will be the Tone It Up workouts, but I just felt like it wasn’t enough.  And don’t get me started on the many different pieces of technology I needed to use to get a workout in.  If I needed to do a workout from their most recent DVD, that was easy….just pop it in and I’m ready to go.  But then if I needed to do a workout from their second DVD, I had to turn on my computer and connect it to the TV (because I only have the digital downloads).  Then if it’s a YouTube workout that they post on their web site, I either have to connect my computer to the TV, or get on to YouTube through my Roku (which takes forever when I have to search for something). 

It was just starting to get inconvenient, and I felt like the workouts weren’t working me as much as I wanted them to.  I’m not saying they weren’t hard, but I’m definitely used to hardcore workouts leaving me drenched in sweat.  Some days I was lucky if I even had a little bit of sweat from their workouts (which is hard to believe, seeing I’m soooo out of shape and overweight).

So what’s a girl to do?  If you followed my blog before my hiatus….around the time I ran my 5K…’ll know that I love Cathe Friedrich.  She is the QUEEN of at-home workouts.  Recently, she finally added her On Demand subscription as a channel on Roku!!!  I was super pumped to see that.  So I subscribed to her On Demand (about $20/month), and pulled up the channel on my Roku. 

It was love at first sight.  I have access to ALL of her DVD’s (she literally has hundreds of DVD’s) – right at my fingertips!  It’s also nice so when she comes out with new DVD’s, I don’t have to buy them….I have them right away on my Roku (and it’s SO easy to get to the workouts!). 

So I marched right over to her forums, where there are (probably hundreds of) rotations.  Some are made by Cathe, some by other members.  I chose to do her Circuit City rotation she created back in 2007.  It’s basically a ton of circuit workouts.  You can see the rotation here.  I started the rotation yesterday, so today is actually “Tuesday” from the first week (I’ll be doing the Kick, Punch & Crunch workout), and next week I’ll get back on track.   I’ve also been walking on the treadmill at work for 15 minutes, twice a day.  I’m super lucky that we have a small workout area in the back at work with a treadmill, elliptical, weights, balls, bands, and even a TV!  So 2 15-minute walks….that’s a total of 30 extra minutes of movement every day!  I’m proud of myself for sticking to it.  Once the weather starts getting warmer, I’ll probably take my walks outside (in the afternoon, anyway….I’ve made a habit of watching the “Hot Topics” segment of The View every morning during my walk).

So that’s where I’m at.  Like I said, I’m super embarrassed to be admitting that I already quit the Bikini Series, but I’m very optimistic about this rotation and what it can do for me.  Now that I don’t need to hide with my tail between my legs anymore, I can post more often.    :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Before….and The Struggles

Okay, it’s time to be honest.  Because what’s the point of having a blog to chronicle my (attempt at) weight loss if I’m just going to lie?  That’s right, there’s no point.   So it’s time to be real for a sec….

I really suck at sticking to things.  Now don’t run away!  This is not a post about me quitting the Bikini Series.  Far from it, actually.  But I did slip quite a bit this week.  And that is not acceptable, considering it’s only the first week of the challenge.  I only checked in twice this week on Instagram (so there goes my chance at an early weekly prize).  And I followed the eating plan maybe 1 1/2 days.  And worked out 3 times (out of 5). 

I guess you could call that somewhat of a success, but there is absolutely no excuse as to why I didn’t do better.  Especially with all the excitement leading up to day 1 of the challenge, and all the support I’ve gotten on Instagram. 

But that seems to be how it goes for me.  I do really well day 1, do sort of okay day 2, then start getting lazier and lazier as the week goes on.  And that keeps going until Sunday when I prep all my meals and get ready for the week, and it all starts over on Monday.  I applaud those of you who can stick to a plan for even a week, because I can’t seem to make it that far. 

I know I can’t get down on myself, and I just have to keep going, but that’s easier said than done.  But it’s my only choice.  Because you know what?  I took my before pictures a couple days ago. 

They were not pretty, and I literally cried when I looked at myself.  I am so unrecognizable, even to myself.  I can’t believe that I look like this.  I pretty much look like a ball on top of my toothpick legs.  It is unflattering, but more importantly, it is completely unhealthy. 

I don’t know if I want to share them on the blog, because they are absolutely hideous and embarrassing.  Maybe I’ll share them as I progress more into my journey.  But for now, they’re staying on my iPad, for only my eyes to see. 

I never thought I would get to this point.  I always thought that the 150s were where I’d be stuck forever.  And now I’m wishing I were still in the 150s, because that was much better than where I am right now.  I’m getting really close to that 200 mark.  I can NOT get there, and I’m promising myself, here and now, that I WILL NOT get there.  I will only go down from here on out, just like I promised in my first post back to blogging. 

Well that was a lot of rambling.  I’m not even sure what I was trying to get to….I guess I needed to vent (yet again).  I wish I could say I knew of a way to get me to stop destroying myself week after week.  I wish I knew how I could get myself through an entire week without slipping, and then another week, and another.  But right now I just don’t know.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m lazy, I’m not motivated….probably both. 

If anyone has any pointers or advice, I’m all ears. 

That’s it for now.  LOL, what a lovely Friday post.  I hope you all enjoy your weekend.  I’ll pop in soon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bikini Series Start

Hey hey, it’s me again!  I’m so bad at posting regularly, but I’ll work on it!!

So last week I did a sort of “prep” to get ready for the bikini series.  I seriously cut back on my portions, did some Tone it Up workouts (not as many as I had wished, but more than normal), and tried my best to stick to a healthy eating plan.  I also really worked hard at creating a routine after work so that I wouldn’t mindlessly snack all night and negate everything I did during the day.  And guess what?  I lost 3.8 pounds!  Of course, I’m sure a lot of that was water weight, but I was excited to see the scale go down a bit.  My goal was to lose 2 pounds, so I definitely surpassed that goal.    :)Mermaid_Workout_1_1080p


Now on to the Bikini Series, which officially launched on Monday (though, the meal plan started Sunday).  I was excited to get started, especially since I got my Stunner bundle in the mail with all these goodies on Saturday….

I was pumped and ready to get planning so I could go grocery shopping!  I really love the journal that was included in the bundle.  I had originally planned on using my Erin Condren planner to track everything, but the journal is perfect for this Bikini Series! 

I did my grocery shopping on Saturday.  One of the recipes called for coconut meat.  I was wondering where the heck to get coconut meat, but decided I would head to Whole Paycheck Foods to get a coconut, and a couple other items that weren’t at Trader Joe’s.   Overall, the groceries weren’t too expensive….not much more than I normally spend, and my fridge is packed!  Don’t think I could squeeze anything else in there.

Sunday morning I got to work right away prepping the Perfect Fit Blueberry muffins that I needed to eat for breakfast that morning.

(Please ignore the dirty oven, because….who really cleans their oven??)  While the muffins were baking I did their Set the Bar routine from their 2nd DVD, which is basically a run through of several moves where you do each move for a minute and record how many reps you did (burpees, push-ups, plyo lunges, etc)…..then at the end of the 8 weeks, I’ll do it again and see how much I’ve improved.


After my workout I ate my breakfast (2 Perfect Fit Protein muffins, strawberries, and almond milk) and planned a little more.  Although I was planning on following the meal plan, and it does look like it is fool-proof, I just don’t think it’s for me.  Some of the recipes look good, and I will try them out, but some of the foods just won’t work for me or my boyfriend.  I did buy all the ingredients that the meal plan called for, so I did waste a little money, but I’ll try utilizing the ingredients as much as I can for the rest of the week to make sure I don’t waste all of it.  I’m just more of a person who does better when I have things I actually like (a couple lunches call for a salad, which I did not like….I doubt it’s the salad, it’s just me, because I hate salads).  I’m going to use the plan going forward as a loose guide, and sub in things that I know I like, rather than thinking I might like the recipes and end up hating them. 

So there ya have it!  So far so good this week.  Well, other than my booty calls (the Tone It Up version of a morning workout).  I’m just not a morning person no matter what I do.  I’ll keep attempting, and this week my goal is to do at least one.  So far I’m 0 for 3. 

I’ll be checking in again this week.  Saturday will be my weigh-in days for the plan, since I plan on having my cheat meal on Saturday nights (so I obviously can’t weigh in on Sundays, ha).  Hopefully I can pop in for a sec on Saturday for sure to do a quick weigh-in post.

Have a good rest of your day, and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for my Bikini Series updates (@myinnerbutterfly)!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Ricky Roo

I heard through the grapevine that tomorrow is “National Pet Day.”  So in honor of this lovely day, here are some pics of my crazy, but cute cat, Ricky (who I affectionately call “Ricky Roo”)!

He loves to lay like this.  I’m surprised his neck doesn’t get sore….

20150404_152743_resized Another one of his weird positions.  This is probably one of my favorites….

He loves to be outside, but also loves to chase the birds and other cats, and many times we’ve found him stuck in a tree.  So he needs to stay on his leash (yes, like a dog)!

This was after I got a new collar for him.  He didn’t like it.  It didn’t last long.

I just thought this was cute.

This was right after they installed new kitchen cabinets in my apartment….he was pretty curious.  Poor guy had to be locked in my room all day too when they did it.     :(


That’s it for today!  Enjoy your weekend, and I’m hoping to get something up this weekend, as I’ll be prepping for the Bikini Series.  Starts on Monday!!   :D 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bikini Series Time

Oops!  Haven’t updated in a few days.  Work has been busy since the office was closed on Friday, but I’m finally starting to catch up again.

So, let’s see….where did I leave off?  I listed some goals that I have to stop eating at night.  So far so good.  I’ve made sure to make a little schedule each day in my Erin Condren planner.  Basically to keep me away from the couch/computer/TV.  I pretty much workout right away after work, do dishes, cook, etc. before I allow myself to sit down.  Because once I sit down…..I’m down for the night.

I also implemented a “no snacking” rule unless I’m sitting at the table.  So far, I’ve been successful!  I’ve actually only had to use that rule once, because the other days I’ve been home, I haven’t been hungry.  Monday I was starving so after my workout, I had a piece of banana bread while sitting at the table.  It hit the spot, and I was good to go the rest of the night until dinner!

So this week has been going well so far.  Something I’m really really excited about is the Tone It Up Bikini Series, which starts next Monday the 13th!!!

Bikini Series I signed Up

I half-assed last year’s Bikini Series, but I’m super-pumped about it this year.  They had “bundles” to celebrate the 5th anniversary, and I purchased the most expensive members-only bundle (I’m considered a “member” because I purchased their Nutrition Plan, and they come out with updates and special editions all the time, which is free to me for life as a member!).  The thing I was most excited about in my bundle is that we get an 8-week journal to go right along with the Bikini Series!  And I love any excuse to journal.   :)    My bundle finally shipped on Monday night, and I’ll hopefully be getting it on Saturday.

IMG_20150406_194058_resized From my Instagram (@myinnerbutterfly)

So to get prepped for the Bikini Series, I’ve been following their weekly workout plan this week.  I haven’t done every workout, but I have done the majority of them.  I’m loving them.  At first glance, they looked really easy, and I was like “well, how would this do anything?”…..but they are really challenging!  Especially when upping the weights or doing each workout 2-3 times through!  I’m still feeling the burn from their Bikini Arms routine on Tuesday!

Members are also receiving a free 8-week guide that basically gives you a Bikini Series meal plan……the email is supposed to go live today, so I’m really looking forward to getting that too!!  I have my Hotmail open next to my work email, ha!

So this blog will basically be a lot of Tone It Up Bikini Series for the next 8 weeks.  I’m hoping that with the amount of weight I have to lose, I can lose a good chunk and hopefully be in the running for the grand prize to Playa Del Carmen!  And hopefully I can win a weekly prize or two….they give out prizes to random people who check-in every day on Instagram and such.  My Instagram account will come alive again!  You can follow me over there….my user name is @myinnerbutterfly.

Okay, that’s all for today!  It’s Friday eve…woo-hoo!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Planning and Organizing

Food, food, food.  It is the thing that keeps me alive, but also my worst enemy.  I have such a hard time controlling myself around it.  Yes, it is supposed to be used solely for fuel purposes, but boy do I abuse it. 

I honestly don’t know when or how it started.  I didn’t have a weight problem growing up, but that was mostly because I was a dancer, and we danced for  more than a few hours every day.  So I could whatever the heck I wanted.  Maybe that’s how it started?  Maybe it’s that I got so used to eating whatever I wanted.  Sure, I noticed that I couldn’t do that anymore once I started gaining weight in college, but did I let that stop me?  Nope.  Because I love food.  I love the taste, the texture, and everything about it.

Not only that, but it makes me feel good.  When I’m lonely, I eat.  When I’m sad, I eat.  When I’m stressed, I eat.  When I’m bored, I eat. 

You get the picture.

I honestly don’t know how to stop it.  But one step I’m going to take is to stay away from it.  Keep the triggers out of my home, and keep myself from getting bored.  I usually get home around 5:00, if I don’t go to the gym (and who am I fooling…I don’t go that often, obviously).  That leaves a good 5-6 hour window of “eating opportunity”, or whatever you want to call it.  I’ve tried going to the gym, like I said, but more often than not I talk myself out of going, and end up driving straight past the gym. 

When I was in dance, I had to go.  I had no choice.  And that kept me from eating.  Any day I didn’t have dance, once I got home from school, I’d head straight to the kitchen for a snack (chips and cheese with some pop was always a favorite) to eat while doing homework.  It was a habit I formed, and obviously held on to….because I still head straight for the kitchen the second I get home.

So obviously there are going to be new behaviors that I’m going to have to learn.  Here’s what I have so far.

1.)  No eating /snacking until afternoon workout is complete.   I know it doesn’t stop the eating, but I know I certainly don’t feel like pigging out after working out and completely ruining what I just did.
2.)  When eating/snacking, food can be consumed ONLY at the kitchen table.  Any other place is off-limits.  No standing up by the fridge or the oven while I’m cooking, no eating on the couch.  If I want a snack, I’ll prepare it and eat it at the table.
3.)  Keep all trigger foods/drinks out of the apartment.  This one I already mentioned, and it’s pretty self-explanatory.  I seem to do a lot better when I don’t have junk food in the house.
4.)  Schedule my day.  I bought the Erin Condren Life Planner a few months back.  I’ve used it here and there, but I’ll be using it much more.  I’ll be using it as a food/exercise journal, and as a way to plan my day.  Certain blocks of time are when I’ll be allowed to watch TV or surf the internet/Instagram/Bloglovin/etc.  Every day may be different, depending on my workout plan for that day.  But a general rule I’ll follow is this:  5-7 is workout time/shower time, 7-7:15 is snack time, 7:15-7:45 is cooking time, 7:45-8 is dishwashing time, 8-8:30 is dinner time (at the table!!!), 8:30-10 is TV/internet/blog time, and 10-bedtime is reading time.  It may sound a little too structured, but I have absolutely no structure in my life.  I don’t have kids to take care of, and I’m basically free to do whatever I want when I want (such a terrible problem, I know).  So I need to create some sort of structure to follow.
5.)  Get more sleep.   Easier said than done.  But I need to get more sleep.  I need to get to bed earlier, no excuses!

I’ll be posting this list on my fridge to look at every day and to remember what my goals are.  I realize I need to be a little more organized and plan a little better if I want to lose weight.  So plan and organize I will!

No work for me tomorrow, so today is my Friday.   :D    If I don’t post tomorrow, I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!