Happy Friday! I thought I’d use Fridays to have a little fun on the blog and catch up on my fav shows that I watch (titles will always be TGIF….doesn’t everyone remember the most epic night of television back in the 90s?? Where TGIF originally came from?). Gosh I miss those TGIF shows. And don’t even get me started on Fuller House coming out in 2016…..I predict I will binge the entire show in one sitting, and be begging for more! Because who doesn’t love Full House??
Anyway, I thought I’d use this first TGIF post to quickly go over the shows that I do watch. I don’t have cable, so the majority of the shows I watch are usually watched the day after they air. I do watch Scandal, and unfortunately I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet, because I can’t watch it until tonight on Hulu.
So let’s get started. Right now I’m not watching a ton of shows. And some I’m watching on Netflix – usually binge-watching a couple episodes per night.
I’m so sad that this show is going away. I absolutely love it, regardless of the “critics” out there. Emily/Amanda is amazing, and I sure wish I could take revenge like her on those that I feel the need to take revenge on. This past week’s episode ended with Victoria, sitting in a chair (which she claimed had importance to her), spilling gasoline everywhere in the Grayson (now Amanda’s) mansion and igniting her lighter. The mansion exploded, and the screen went to black.
WOW. I did NOT see that coming. I had no idea what significance the chair had, and I was so confused when the truck driver opened the back to reveal the chair. Were there some kind of secret documents inside the chair? I had no idea what it meant. And the ending really did shock me. I can’t wait to see what comes of it next week. But I really hope it doesn’t fuel Margot to continue the feud. Because, geez, when is Amanda going to catch a break??
Scandal is another one I watch, but like I said, I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet. I do have to say, though, that this season has really been a downer for me. I wasn’t liking the whole storyline of Olivia being captured and held prisoner. They need to get back to the show’s roots and the actual “scandal”….let’s see more sex with the president! Ha, just kidding. Sort of.
DD4L! I’m a dancer, so I obviously love this show. I had to actually purchase the current season on Vudu, because it’s not available on Netflix. I binged on the first two seasons on the Lifetime channel on my Roku (they were free). Once I found out there was a Season 3, and it was currently airing, I just had to have more. These girls have some serious attitude, and their dancing is on point. Technique-wise, not so much, but I just love watching. I kind of feel like the “drama” is a little forced and scripted to make it more interesting, but the dancing makes up for it. I particularly love the stand battles!
The show I’m currently bingeing on on Netflix is Gossip Girl. I’m still only in the first season. I can’t believe I haven’t started watching sooner!! The beginning was a little hard to get into, but it’s getting more and more interesting with each episode. I’ll have more to write about as time goes on….
Some other shows I love, but there currently out of season…..Pretty Little Liars, How to Get Away with Murder, and Big Brother (can’t wait for this to start….it’s the thing I look most forward to every summer, and I even buy the online feeds).
Anyone else have any shows they love, that are currently airing? Obviously I don’t watch much TV, mainly just binge on Netflix. I need more shows to watch that are current!!
Anyway, it’s the weekend, and I’m super excited to not have to work tomorrow. :D Have a good weekend!