Though I'm happy with the little steps I've taken, I'm not happy with the fact that I've compensated by doing bad in other areas, and essentially have gotten no results.
I weighed myself in this morning, and because Aunt Flo is scheduled to make an appearance in a day or two, I decided not to log it. Let's just say there's no progress from last week. I also took my measurements this morning, and again, no progress.
So what does it mean? Work harder. Do not give up. Just because I've seen no progress so far, does not mean I can't hit my goal by the end of the challenge.

In order to get better, we have to see where we're doing good, and where we can make improvements. So I'll do just that. :)
Okay, well, really the only thing I've been consistent with is blogging/journaling, and tracking my food. Which is weird, because before I had such a problem with tracking my food. I'm thinking it's because, this time around, I don't have to track calories too. It's a lot easier to just jot down what I eat, and not have to worry about the numbers (calories, fat, protein, carbs). I'm also doing good at not eating red meat. I'd say about 95% of my meals have no red meat. This is actually something that I improved on a few years ago - I was successfully able to transition to mostly white meat/fish.
Things I need to work on? I touched on this last week - sticking to my exercise plan. Here's the summary from last week (planned is black, what I actually did is in blue)...
Monday: BodyStep | Walk 2.5 miles (45 minutes)
Tuesday: BodyShred | Rest
Wednesday: BodyStep | Rest
Thursday: BodyStep | Rest
Friday: Rest | Rest
Saturday: Fitness Yoga | Rest
Sunday: Fitness Yoga | Rest
Yeah. That's embarrassing. I really need to get my butt in gear. I think the main reason I haven't been doing well is because I haven't had a clear-cut plan in place. That's changing this week. More on that tomorrow. :) (hey, I need to make this blog a little interesting and leave you hanging once in a while!)
More areas for improvement - fruits and vegetables. I'm shooting for around 5 servings/day. I got that amount in a week. Sigh. Water. Again, I hit my daily goal in a week (4-5 glasses a day; I got 6 glasses for the whole week). No soda. You all know soda is my weakness. I'm shooting for 25 days/50 days no soda. I had 0 days this week, and 1 day last week. Time to kick it into high gear.
Definitely room for improvement. I'll let you know my fitness goals tomorrow. For now, here are the goals for the week....
14 servings of fruits/vegetables for the week.
21 glasses of water for the week.
4 days no soda.
That's it for today. Have a great Monday!
That's it for today. Have a great Monday!