Monday, July 29, 2013

Bullet Points

My blog has been all over the place lately.  I can't wait until this week is over.  No more moving.  No more work event.  And vacation for a week!  It. Will. Be. Glorious.

So just some random stuff from me today - just for fun.     :)

  • I ordered a new workout system.  It came in the mail on Friday, and I'm excited to start it.  My goal is to stick with this workout program until the end - just like Xtrain.  More details to come.
  • I'm still reading everyone's blogs, but a little half-heartedly.  I just don't have the time like I used to.  But I'm still lurking.
  • I love Big Brother (the reality TV show).  I ordered the feeds, and it's perfect background noise when I'm packing and cleaning the apartment.  I also really love this page for spoilers.  I read it every morning over coffee.    :)
  • I'm loving Orange is the New Black on Netflix.  I'm addicted.  It is soooooo good!!!  I got through more than half the season this weekend.
  • Speaking of this weekend, I have been eating non-stop.  Like, pig-style.  It's grossing me out.  Part of it is because I'm stressed.  Part because I'm sad (about the break-up).  Part because I don't want to cook after I deep cleaned that apartment like no other.  I threw most of my food away, and my pantry items are packed.  My fridge is looking pretty bare these days.  My lunch yesterday and dinner on Saturday consisted of a chicken strip basket from Dairy Queen.  Yes, two days in a row.  And my dinner last night?  Reese's cereal.  Yum.  But so gross.  I feel really bloated and disgusting today.
  • Did I mention I can't wait until I'm moved in to the apartment on Wednesday?
  • And did I mention I can't wait until my week-long vacation next week?!?!?!
That's it for today.  Make it a great one!!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Hey everyone!  It's Friday, so I'm in a good mood.  That means that I only have one more week until the big company event, only a few more days until I move, and a week until I'm on vacation - for one whole week!!  The end is in sight, people!!

So since I've been MIA + posting some Debbie Downer posts, I thought I'd share what I've been up to lately, and some plans for the next few months.  And, um, can you believe Fall is already almost here?!  The weather is even changing - it's feeling a bit cooler and crisper.  I do have to admit, I love Fall.  Sure, it's no summer, but I just love the smells, the decorations, the apple orchards, the pumpkin patches, the Fall leaves - everything!!  It's a season of change.  And I plan on making it that way for myself.

Anyway - what have I been up to?  Well, this work event obviously.  It's been kicking my butt.  Right now, our numbers are showing that about 2,000 people are going to be there, which is a record for this event.  You can imagine my stress levels - especially since it's the first year I'm in charge of it.  It'll be next weekend.  Hopefully I'm not too busy, and I can take some pics to share with everyone.

I've also been packing, packing, packing!  And cleaning.  Some deep cleaning is on the agenda for this weekend.  I'm a little worried that I'll get charged for the carpet - seeing as my cat is a spoiled brat that likes to pee on the carpet when the litter box isn't 100% clean.  I found a spot in the corner in my living room that is just disgusting, because it was behind the TV and entertainment center (it's a corner entertainment center), and I never really noticed it until a few weeks ago.  So I've been using a ton of Nature's Miracle.  *Sigh*  Pretty sure I'll be charged for that.  You probably didn't want to know all that, and now you probably all think I'm gross and filthy, ha!

And last but not least - my EX (yes, you read that right - I finally kicked him to the curb) has been in a bit of legal trouble.  Nothing huge, but enough to put him in jail or go through a program.  He had court yesterday.  And when we were in the room with the lawyer, he decided to start blaming everything on me.  It was my fault he was in this situation.  And I finally saw the light.  He will never change.  He will always be a child.  Here I have been there for him since the beginning of all of this, supporting him, and he pulls that crap.

I've had enough of being bullied.  I've had enough of him making me feel like I'm not worthy.  I've had enough of him telling me I'm fat.  A few weeks ago, I kicked him out of my apartment because he had been basically living with me for free (he couldn't pay his rent anymore because he was paying his lawyer, so he moved back in with me).  No more.  The whole time I have been helping him, he has not been appreciative (he said that I'm not helping him at all, and that I'm nothing to him) or respectful.  He has been on dating web sites and trying desperately to meet new girls.

Enough.  He is gone.  And now I can finally focus on me.  100%.

So as you see - Fall really will be my "season of change."

In weight-loss related news, I stepped on the scale this morning, and saw that I've lost a couple pounds.  Which is really weird.  I haven't been counting calories or exercising, and I've been eating more than I should be.  Seriously, I'm so confused.  It seems that when I become a little more relaxed and stop being so obsessed with everything, the weight comes off.  But when I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing - counting calories and exercising, I gain weight.  What gives??

This has given me good reason to believe that balance is something I need to be working on going forward.  I mentioned it a little in my last post.  I'll be talking about it more and more in the coming weeks.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.  I hope people actually still read my blog, ha!  It can only get better from here - and I have a feeling it will!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Laying It All Out There

Today I’m going to just start writing, and see where it goes from there.  Things have been awfully quiet with me lately – part of that has to do with the fact that I’m moving, and I’m also very busy with work at the moment.  I’m in charge of a very large event that’s happening next weekend (which falls right around moving time, ha!).  So to say I’ve been busy is an understatement.  But that’s not the only reason.

A huge reason I haven’t posted is because I’ve been failing.  Failing at losing weight.  Failing at finding a healthy balance.  Losing weight sucks.  It’s hard.  A lot of bloggers only blog about their triumphs and their 2 pound weight loss every week.  Some do post about the negative aspects of losing weight, but sometimes I feel alone.  Sometimes I feel like, “Why am I the only one struggling?”  “Why do I always make these grand plans, only to fail at them, miserably?”

It hasn’t been all bad, but with the good came bad.  For example – earlier this year, I made it a goal of mine to actually stick to an exercise routine (Xtrain) and get through it.  And I did.  But I gained weight.  Sure, it could have been muscle mass, but I did not lose very many inches.  How does that happen?  Well, I was a little too lenient when it came to calories.  So while, yes, I was probably gaining muscle mass, I was eating too much and gaining fat at the same time.  Leave it to me to be the one who gains weight on a weight loss program.

Another good thing that came with some bad?  Running.  I made a goal of running my first 5K.  I followed the Couch to 5K plan to a T about 95% of the time.  And I did run that 5K – in under 40 minutes, 37:51 to be exact.  I was so proud of myself in that moment.  But then it brought me to thinking, “What next?”  I made a goal of running a 10K in October.  And then I stopped running altogether.  I continued to try running here and there, but it never stuck again.  Maybe I didn’t fall in love with running as I thought I had.  Maybe I fell in love with the idea of running all these races, and looking like an athlete.  Sure, I’m happy with my accomplishment, but I’m sad that I’m basically back where I started.  And I’m still debating whether or not I want to try running “one more time.”

I came back from my “blogging hiatus” all gung-ho with my Labor Day Challenge idea, and it failed miserably on the second day.

Why does this happen?  I don’t understand why I just don’t have the discipline to do this.  My weight has been a big struggle since college.  Sure, in high school, I wasn’t the skinniest – I was average – but I did not have this issue with food and losing weight.  Once college came, I kind of retreated in to a shell.  At a time when most people flourished and made the best memories of their lives, I was alone in my dorm room every weekend watching movies and eating the latest smorgasbord I picked up from the gas station / grocery store / fast food place.  I was lonely, and I was gaining weight.  My self-esteem took a huge nose dive, and I became even more shy than I had ever been.  I didn’t make any friends in college.  Not one.  Sure, I had acquaintances, but no one ever asked me to hang out with them. 

Thus began my weight loss cycle.  Gaining a ton of weight, feeling terrible about myself (even more), frantically looking for the next fad that would help me lose weight and planning like a mad woman, going on the diet for a couple days (if that), and then giving up because I just liked food too much.  And it helped with my boredom and loneliness.  I just didn’t want to do it.  Plain and simple.  My desire to lose weight was huge, but I just didn’t haven’t the drive and determination to get there.

This has been going on for about 10 years now.  And I am not getting any healthier or smaller.  Due to my low self-esteem, I’ve been in terrible relationship after terrible relationship, which only brings my self-esteem down even more.  Seriously, it’s like a bottomless pit when it comes to my self-esteem.    Any guy who shows any interest in me whatsoever, I cling on to him – like, finally someone cares about me and I’m not alone.  And I don’t even realize that these men are not who I want to be with.  They are not what will make me happy.

What will make me happy?  Being skinny of course (I’m being sarcastic).  Dieting and exercising has become like an obsession for me.  I know it’s certainly not true, but sometimes I feel like if I’m skinny, my problems will be solved.  I won’t be lonely anymore.  I’ll find an amazing guy.  I’ll get married and have kids.  All because I got skinny.

I am constantly thinking about it.  Not an hour goes by in the day where I don’t think about losing weight.  And that’s not healthy.  Losing weight should be about finding balance – not creating an obsession. 

I guess that’s what my issue with the scale mainly boils down to – balance and discipline.  But how can you put these two together?  You certainly do need discipline when it comes to weight loss, but it’s hard to be disciplined (for me, anyway) without it becoming an obsession.  I need to find balance.  I can’t let this consume my life – because it’s not helping me at all. 

Okay, this post is long enough.  Thanks for listening to me ramble.  Basically I haven’t been posting much, because I’m embarrassed by how little I’ve accomplished since I’ve started this blog.  It’s hard to look at other bloggers doing so well, while I’ve been struggling for the past year I’ve had this blog (it will be a year in August!).  I’m still trying to find what works for me.  Sometimes I feel like nothing will work for me.  Like I’m always going to just be big, and get bigger and bigger.  And lonelier and lonelier.  And that’s a scary thought.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Labor Day Challenge

Time to come clean.  I'm feeling fluffy.  Fluffier than usual.  For the past few weeks, I haven't worked out, and I haven't 100% been paying attention to what I've been eating.  And remember that #NoSodaSummer? I've had at least one soda every day.  Typically, it's been 2.

Sure, I haven't gained weight - I've remained steady - but I can tell I'm getting bigger.  None of my clothes are fitting, and I can literally feel my butt and legs getting bigger.  I can literally feel my double chin forming.  And now I am starting to feel my arms jiggle - like, when I'm just walking (I was carrying some of my moving boxes today, and could feel them).

In other words, I feel gross.

So what am I going to do about it?  I feel a little hesitant posting this, because it seems like I continually make plans, only to fail at them.  But I need to keep going.  I can't give up.  Or I will gain even more weight.

Bring on my Labor Day Challenge.  We have about 7 weeks until Labor Day.  I want to be below 150 by then.  If I'm at 149.9, I reached my goal.  How am I going to do it?  Just like anyone else loses weight.  Eat less, move more.

I'll be doing the 30 Day Cardio & Weights Xtrain rotation (remember, I did this at the beginning of the year), PLUS running 4-5 times/week.  I'm not going to be training for a run - I have some good interval treadmill workouts I'm going to be trying out.  I'll be doing runs during my lunch break, and the Xtrain workouts after work.

I'll be posting to Instagram every day from now until Labor Day.  Yup, you heard that right.  At least a picture a day that pertains to my #LaborDayChallenge.  Follow me - my user name is MyInnerButterfly.

Weigh in days will be on Sundays.  That way, I'll want to keep the momentum going on the weekends (a huge downfall for many of us), and I'll have the motivation that Monday always brings.

I'm ready to kick this weight to the curb.  I'm tired of being fat.  I'm tired of constantly trying and failing.  It's time for some accountability.  Let's do this.

Quick Hello

Monday know the drill....

I'm amazed I've been able to find so many different Garfield Monday cartoons, ha!  But pretty sure I'll be running out soon.  

I'm just checking in for a quick "hello."  As I mentioned when I went on my little hiatus, my life got pretty hectic for a while.  Things have changed a lot (in a good way) in the past few weeks, so I now have a lot more "me" time.  I've decided I'd start writing up my posts at night (rather than at work).  I can't decide if I'll post at night, or just draft them at night and then post in the mornings.  We shall see.  

In the meantime, check out this awesome blog post.  Made my heart swell.    :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I'm Back!

Hey hey everybody!  Look who's back!  I was planning on taking a longer hiatus, but I just couldn't stay away.  I love blogging too much, and I've missed talking about myself, ha!

I'm also back with a brand-spanking new layout!  I was getting a little sick of looking at that cartoon thingy, and my teeny tiny profile picture.  I'm still not sure whether or not I like the profile pic I have now, but it'll do for the time being.

Life has gotten hectic, and it's still hectic.  My diet?  Uhh....

Working out?  Errr....

Those things are non-existent lately.  And I'm still holding steady at around the same weight I left off back in June (around 157).  No, I'm not too happy about that, but I'm also glad I didn't gain.

I was looking through my old posts, and came across my 2013 Goals post.  I thought, hey, we're pretty much halfway through the year, so I'm going to review them now!

Run My First 5K
Check!!  I'm so happy I actually reached this goal.  Sadly, I have not run in maybe a month - or more.  Sure, I've done a mile or so here and there, but nothing more than 1.5 miles.  Because I can't.  I'm a little disappointed in myself, but I'm trying to be positive.  I reached this goal, and am proud to say I am was a runner.  Will I continue in the future?  We shall see...

Complete the X-train Series
I did!  Unfortunately, as I did the series, I gained weight.  I'm not sure if it's because I gained muscle or what, but that's really what sparked my downward spiral when it came to working out.  I was just not as motivated as I was when I did the X-train series.  I'm kicking myself now, and wishing I would have taken measurements, because that probably would have shown an improvement.  BUT....shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Reach My Goal Weight (115)
Sigh.  You already know where I'm at with this.  On to the next goal.    :(

Get My Budget Under Control
Well, I have stopped spending so much on lunches out, because I've focused more on bringing my own lunches.  I've also been trying to teach myself to cook foods in bigger batches to last through the week (like lentils).  I also just signed a lease for a new apartment (I'm moving August 1)....and it's more expensive.  But it was a good deal.  It's a 2 bedroom, and it's only about $15 more per month than if I would have stayed in my current one-bedroom (they upped the price quite a bit).  I'm happy with my decision, but it also means I'll probably be cancelling my gym membership.  Don't worry....there's a gym at the apartment complex.    ;)

Create a Cleaning Schedule/Household Notebook
Bahaha!  Good one.  Maybe I'll get to that when I'm done moving all my crap to the new apartment and unpacking on the crap boxes.

All in all, I'd say I'm on a good track.  My weight loss really needs to gain some momentum if I want to be at my goal weight.  My budget is a work-in-progress, and the household notebook.....well, I'll get there.

Coming up this week and next, I'll be tackling the demon that started this whole blog....weight loss.  More specifically - why am I in the position I'm in, and what can I do about it?

Glad to be back - make it a great one!!